Talking and Listening

Today we talked about communication and what skills we need to have good communication.

We then practised good communication whilst sharing with the class our favourite meals. We asked each other questions, spoke clearly and looked at the person who was talking.

Afterwards we drew our favourite meals.

Tuesday 29th September

Hi everyone. I hope you had a nice September Weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 


PE Days with effect from Monday 7th September 2020 | Whitefield Primary School

  • After the October holidays p1/2 will have P.E. on a Monday. Children are asked to come to school in a pair of jogging bottoms/leggings on this day as well as trainers suitable for taking part in P.E. outdoors. 
  • Children should wear their normal school uniform on the top half (polo shirt/shirt/jumper/cardigan). 

Homework for Monday 10th December – Year 6's Class Blog

  • In class we have been LOVING playing a game of iSpy – why not have a game at home with your family.
  • Sumdog are holding a competition this week over the whole of Scotland to see who can answer the most questions – log into your Sumdog account to be in with a chance of winning. As a reward for taking part, each pupil who answers 100 questions will receive an item for their Sumdog House! Good luck!
  • Please  log into your Active Learn account and read your book for this week. What sounds can you spot? Can you find any of your common words? 
  • Point to each word as you read it to make sure you don’t miss any words. Look at the illustrations and the sounds at the start and end of the words to help you. Happy reading!
Primary 1’s
  • Thank you to everyone who has been practising your sounds and words at home – it is making a huge difference to your child’s confidence and progress in class! Remember you don’t need to spend hours on these – 5 to 10 minutes is enough. 
  •  So far we have learned the sounds: s a t p i r m d e
This weeks words:
Revise words:
did  as   he
at the I in it an and is am me my
This weeks sound:
Revise sounds:
What words can you make with your sound?
c  k
s  a  t  p  i  n  r  m  d  e
Can you make the words:
  • red
  • mad
  • rat
  • pin


Homework and Reminders 21.09.20

Monday 27th April – Broughton PrimarySee the source image

  • Well done to everyone who has been using their Active Learn account to read their book and practising their maths on Sumdog.
  • Please  log into your Active Learn account and read your book for this week. I have allocated the book suitable for your child’s level.
  • Point to each word as you read it to make sure you don’t miss any words. Look at the illustrations and the sounds at the start and end of the words to help you. Happy reading!
Primary 1’s
  • Using the sounds s a t p i r m d can you play a game of iSpy with someone at home?
  • Please use your word/sound wallet to practise your sounds and words.
This weeks words:
Revise words:
am me my
at the I in it an and is
This weeks sound:
Revise sounds:
What words can you make with your sound?
s  a  t  p  i  n  r  m  d
Can you make the words:
  • tin
  • nap
  • mad
  • rat


See the source image

  • Please remember that the school is closed to pupils on Thursday 24th for the In-service Day plus Friday 25th and Monday 28th for the September Weekend.


Healthy eating. Dexam teams up with Macmillan! / Our Blog

  • As we cannot have out usual MacMillan Coffee Morning this year, we are going to take part in a MacMillan March Daily Mile on Wednesday instead. The children don’t need to bring anything in – just be ready to do our mile walk!


  • Up until Tuesday 22nd September, the Teach Your Monster to Read App is FREE to download! The App helps support phonics and reading through a series of literacy games.
  • Once the App is downloaded it’s free to play and can be used on multiple devices.

Tuesday in p1/2 😀✏️⭐️

Today, during lunch break, these two clever boys made their very own robots from the resources in their trays. Aren’t they super?!

In the afternoon we read ‘The Colour Monster’ and discussed different feelings and emotions. We talked about how our faces change depending on how we are feeling.

We played ‘guess the emotion’ and used playdoh to create our own ‘feeling faces’.

Homework 14.09.20

Primary 1’s and Primary 2’s
Everyone has come home with a handprint today – Miss Ferguson has set a whole school homework task. You have to use the fingers to write down or draw different qualities that describe you.
Well done to everyone who has used their Active Learn and Sumdog account  – I heard some super reading in class!
Please log into your Active Learn account and read your book for this week. I have allocated the book suitable for your child’s level.
Sound out the words you are unsure of and look at the illustrations to help you.
Primary 1’s
  • Please use your word/sound wallet to practise your sounds and words.
This weeks words:
Revise words:
an and is
at the I in it
This weeks sounds:
Revise sounds:
What words can you make with your sound?
r m d
s a t p i n
Can you make the words:
  • pat
  • tap
  • pin
  • nip