Big Writing ✏️

Today Primary 4 took park in Big Writing that focused on using our senses to describe the setting. We had fun learning how to do a new Making Thinking Visible ‘thinking routine’ called I See, I Think, I wonder. We were able to respond to an image stimulus and show our thinking. Some of us even got to read our stories to the class! 📚

Well done everyone for your hard work this week. Congratulations to our first Star Pupil L-R H-H and also to this week’s Class Dojo winners, ZM and LB. 🌟

Have a great weekend! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎


Today in Primary 4, we enjoyed using our ICT time to access Sumdog: Numeracy and Spelling as well as Active Learn: Numeracy and Bug Club. We are using these digital resources to improve our numeracy, spelling and reading skills.

Class Charter 👥💛🌍

Today Primary 4 enjoyed discussing our Rights. We identified that everyone under the age of 18 has Rights and they are in place to protect us. Some Rights are important to us in school and the classroom and we recognise our responsibilities to them. It was good fun designing are creating ourselves to add to our ‘Class Charter.’

Health and Wellbeing 💚

Today in Primary 4 we have been learning about Friendships: why they are important, ways to be a good friend and how that makes us feel. ☺️

We also discussed that hearing a compliment from a friend makes us smile and giving a compliment makes us feel good about ourselves. 😀 Everyone created ‘A Good Friend…’ flower for our garden of friendship display. 🌼

This weekend, be kind and pay a compliment to someone in your family or a friend. 😁

HUGE well done to this weeks Class Dojo winners: KR and L-R H-H. You have been SUPERSTARS! 🌟

Reminder: PE will be outdoors on Monday. Please remember to bring a full water bottle and outdoor jacket. 👍🏼 All logins have been checked and are currently active. If you have any problems, please let me know. 😁

Mrs L. Maher 🍎

Bug Club & ICT

Today we enjoyed reading ‘Here is a Water Drop’ from Bug Club, our new digital literacy resource. 📚

We listened to the story then identified the repetition and rhyme used by the author. It was great fun creating our own rhyming word cards and playing a game of pairs. 👍🏼

During ICT, all pupils were given their user name and password to log into Active Learn. Once logged on you will see a Heinemann active maths blue logo – this will direct them to ‘My Stuff’ where Place Value numeracy games have been assigned for Term 1. 💻

Also, there is a new resource called ‘Bug Club’ which is our new digital resource being used during literacy lessons. 💚

During the week, children are introduced to a new ‘shared’ text in class. This should then be read and discussed with an adult at home. It’s a great opportunity to talk with your child about the story events, characters and vocabulary. Our first book was City Kids Detective. 🔍

This will now be part of homework. ✏️ It works best on Google a Chrome. 😁 If you have any problems logging in please message me on the blog. 💬 

Mrs L. Maher 🍎 

Marvellous Maths 😁 ✏️

Primary 4 have been marvellous at maths today by ordering numbers.

Our top tips:

  • When the Hundreds digit is the same, look at the Tens digit.
  • When the Tens digit is the same, look at the Units. 

Why not practise at home…


Children must be given snacks/drinks that they are able to open on their own in the playground.

Please make sure jumpers and jackets have pupil names on them so we can identify who they belong too, should they be misplaced.


Whole school homework tasks up until the September weekend will be allocated via the main school blog.

Please remember to check the main blog for whole school homework tasks:

Thank you! 👍🏼

Mrs L. Maher 🍎