Health and Wellbeing πŸ’š

Today in Primary 4 we have been learning about Friendships: why they are important, ways to be a good friend and how that makes us feel. ☺️

We also discussed that hearing a compliment from a friend makes us smile and giving a compliment makes us feel good about ourselves. πŸ˜€ Everyone created β€˜A Good Friend…’ flower for our garden of friendship display. 🌼

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This weekend, be kind and pay a compliment to someone in your family or a friend. 😁

HUGE well done to this weeks Class Dojo winners: KR and L-R H-H. You have been SUPERSTARS! 🌟

Reminder: PE will be outdoors on Monday. Please remember to bring a full water bottle and outdoor jacket. πŸ‘πŸΌ All logins have been checked and are currently active. If you have any problems, please let me know. 😁

Mrs L. Maher 🍎

2 thoughts on “Health and Wellbeing πŸ’š”

  1. Hi Mrs Maher,
    Alex was playing Sumdog last night & he came across the maths test, which he completed. However, the spelling test that followed, he was unable to complete all the words as it only gave him 5 mins to complete this task of 100 words to spell, whereas the maths test was given 2 hours to complete. As he has now done both tests he is unable to go back into Sumdog & do anymore of the spelling test. I just wanted to check if the 5 mins for the spelling test is the correct amount of time given, if not is there any way Alex can go back into Sumdog to resit his spelling test?

    1. Hi Claire, Please don’t worry about this. I have set it up for this week’s ICT which is on Wednesday. I can change the timings from my account. Have a good weekend!
      Mrs Maher πŸ™‚

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