Bug Club & ICT

Today we enjoyed reading β€˜Here is a Water Drop’ from Bug Club, our new digital literacy resource. πŸ“š

We listened to the story then identified the repetition and rhyme used by the author. It was great fun creating our own rhyming word cards and playing a game of pairs. πŸ‘πŸΌ

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DuringΒ ICT, all pupils were given their user name and password to log into Active Learn. Once logged on you will see a Heinemann active maths blue logo – this will direct them to β€˜My Stuff’ where Place Value numeracy games have been assigned for Term 1. πŸ’»

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Also, there is a new resource called β€˜Bug Club’ which is our new digital resource being used during literacy lessons. πŸ’š

During the week, children are introduced to a new β€˜shared’ text in class. This should then be read and discussed with an adult at home. It’s a great opportunity to talk with your child about the story events, characters and vocabulary.Β Our first book was City Kids Detective. πŸ”

This will now be part of homework. ✏️ It works best on Google a Chrome. 😁 If you have any problems logging in please message me on the blog. πŸ’¬Β 

Mrs L. Maher 🍎 

7 thoughts on “Bug Club & ICT”

  1. Hi Mrs Maher,
    Can you please provide me with log in details for bug club for my Son, Alex Tarrant? We tried to log in but the details weren’t correct.
    Thank you.
    Claire Tarrant.

    1. Hi Claire, All passwords have been reset to woodlands in lower case. Alex has a new login card – please let me know if you have any problems.
      Mrs Maher πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Carson is locked out of his account as the details entered wouldn’t work. It’s asking me to reset but won’t accept email address. Thank you.

  3. Hi Louise, this is only usually temporary for a very short time, 30/60 minutes when the details are incorrectly entered. I have logged on and checked his account – it is unblocked and all working ok. πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Hi Rebecca, I have worked with Lily-rose and logged in with her. On Sumdog, her login name is Lily-roseH and on Activelearn her login is Lilyhayl with the password and code details from her new login card. Let me know how you get on. Have a good weeekend. πŸ™‚

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