All posts by Mrs Patrick

Aviva Athletics Event

A team of enthusiastic P7 pupils took part in the above event at the Tryst sports centre. All pupils gave 100% effort to their particular events and showed great sportsmanship. All those who attended were good ambassadors for our school. Well done to all who took part.

We are awaiting the results of the competition.



This weeks learning

This week we have been learning about Planet Earth and its structure.  We have also been learning about how the earth has changed through time through exploring the Tectonic Plates. We used Mars bars to represent how the tectonic plates move.

In maths we have been learning about Data Handling and looking at different ways to collect and represent data.

We have also started making Christmas cards as part of our Christmas Enterprise. More information to follow…

We have started learning our Christmas songs for the Christmas Show. We are enjoying using our french skills to sing “Au royaume du bonhomme hiver”.

What have we been doing this week?

This week Primary 7a have begun to explore space and the solar system.

We have been learning about the size and scale of planets in our solar system. We made  models to demonstrate this.

We have begun to research all of the different planets to find out about their features and properties.

We have learning about banking and credit and debit cards.


Primary 7a have been focusing on money this week in particular exploring profit and loss. This linked in very nicely to our enterprise event and allowed pupils to engage in real life learning.



The primary 7a Dojo winner this week is Emma McMurray.

Our Four Capacities certificate this week  was awarded to Sonya MacLeod for being a Successful Learner.

Congratulations to both pupils for setting a great example and working consistently hard.