Activity week day 4

A fantastic day was had by all at M&D’s yesterday. Pupils enjoyed the thrills and spills of all the rides. The most popular ride on this very hot day was the Water ride, lots of soggy, happy children. Pupils also enjoyed a game of Ten Pin Bowling.

This activity will lead us into our new topic on Forces, with a lot to explore in relation to the forces at work in theme park rides.

Our pupils again stood out due to their GOOD BEHAVIOUR and were a credit to our school.

Some pictures of the day attached.

Activity week day 3

Today we visited Dynamic Earth, children were able to make links to prior learning through visiting the biomes of the world and experiencing the atmosphere of a rainforest. This experience related very closely to our biodiversity topic and provided a entertaining way to experience our school learning.

P7 Activity week

On Monday P7 enjoyed a fantastic day of activities and learning. We started at Airspace where everyone took part in a variety of trampoline activities; we will use this experience to help us explore forces in our new topic.

Pupils enjoyed a social lunch demonstrating their good manners and social skills.

We ended the day with a trip to the cinema, we watched the new Jungle Book movie, we were able to make links to our Biodiversity topic and the Rainforest.

Some pictures from Airspace below.

High School Transition

This week we have started preparing for transition to high school by trying test papers for maths.

Some parts were tricky but I tried my best. Caydn Quinn.

I could do most of the work but found the fraction and percentage work a bit tricky. Andrew Murray.

Mr Hendry came down from the high school to visit our class to give us more information about Cumbernauld Academy.

He helped by answering questions and I feel I know more about high school now. Erica McNutt.