All posts by Mrs Patrick

Tricky Maths

During our work on long division I felt when we started that I was struggling, once we had learned and had more practice I could really understand what to do and soon got the hang of it and I didn’t need much help anymore. I started to get full marks or just a few wrong  I even felt more confident when doing them. Since then I have been practising. By Kirsty McKenzie

I could’nt do long division at the start and thought it was boring at first but once I learned to do it I enjoyed it. By Callum Reddock.


Literacy – Novels

We have been exploring our novels in more depth this term to select information carefully to complete tasks, this has enhanced comprehension skills and has shown the importance of preparing set reading at home.

The novel I have been reading was Dark Isle, a book that I have enjoyed very much. I feel I have progressed and improved my reading skills and can select information from the text. I prepare my reading the night before. by Max Hunter.

This term we have been reading The Eleventh Orphan and been selecting strategies to read and write and select words from the text. I  prepare my reading at home the week before and this has helped me to understand my book better and pick information from the text that I need. By Cerys Williams.


Healthy Lifestyle

We have been working towards heath and fitness targets to keep us healthy, some of the targets we choose were to walk to school more or eat  more healthy foods. I think we have been doing well, this has made me think about my health and fitness more.  By Erica Mcnutt.

In our health and wellbeing experience we have been working to keep our health at a good balance. We set ourself targets to keep our diet at a good level and we have been working towards the excercise targets that we set. I have been doing well over the past few weeks and I hope to keep it up. By Christopher Patram

Highlight of the week – P7 Ceilidh

Both P7 class joined together for a very enjoyable ceilidh afternoon. We all enjoyed some traditional scottish country dancing and tasted some traditional scottish cuisine, all washed down by “yer other national drink”. Zoe Shearer gave the address to the Haggis and Craig McNutt said the Selkirk grace. Everyone had a fantastic time. See some pictures of the event bellow.

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Our week in a nutshell

We have once again had another very busy and hard working week.

In maths our new subject area is time, pupils have been timing each other over a variety of activities and we will collate this information in a future session. We have also been revising analogue and digital times and working out time durations.

In literacy we are enhancing or reading comprehension and focusing on using novels to carefully select the relevant information. We are continuing to explore spelling strategies and rules.

We have begun to explore Biodiversity as our new IDL subject.

We created some terrific still life pencil drawings, focusing on; line, scale, position and shading.


This week our class dojo winner is Cerys Williams

Our four capacities certificate was awarded to Emma McMurray for being an effective contributor.

Well done girls. Both these pupils set a consistently good example within their class and throughout the school. Be proud.