All posts by Mrs Patrick

Back to Routine

Primary 7a have been trying hard to settle back into school routines after our 2 week spring break followed immediately by a  week at Kilbowie.

We have a busy term ahead of us; concluding our P7 programme and getting ready for transition to High School.

We will be starting on our new topics for learning next week. Homework will also resume next week. We will be concluding our current class novels next week.


Kilbowie was a great experience for both pupils and staff. Everyone participated fully in all activities. Pupils had very positive experiences and learned a lot about their own potential and abilities. I hope they can carry this positive attitude with them for the remainder of P7 and on to High School.

I had an amazing time at Kilbowie. My favourite activities were coasteering and skiing. I found out that I am more confident than I thought and I had a really good time. Abby Charleston

Kilbowie was a great experience, I also found out that could stay away from home without my electronics, it was great!!! Carmen McSharry

Mud Art

We  made a turtle out of mud and we covered it in green leaves and stones we also made a baby hedgehog beside it was very fun we enjoyed it very much. We had fun looking at everyone else’s work and all the the different ideas we all had. By Erica Mcnutt and Abby Charleston

We made an emoji out of mud,rocks,sticks and leafs.We rolled up mud into little balls and placed them on the grass and made a circle and then put in the eyes then broke up some sticks to make the mouth after that we used the rock to shape the heart but sadly we didnt finish the full circle . By Emma McMurray and Cerys Williams





Today we have powered down and all enjoyed a full day of outdoor learning. We have created some impressive mud art, worked as a team to problem slove, carried out a scavanger hunt and used our findings to create a nature display in a box. We also searched for mini beasts and studied them closely using a magnifying glasses.

Here are some pictures of our day.

We had a great time to day learning outdoors. Have a look at our pictures below.



This week we were doing French naming  some countries and being recorded by the IPad, the teacher pointed to a country and we had to tell her the compass location from France, in French. We also had to tell her where the members of the Simpson family where in France. It was good fun.

Adam Preston and Carmen McSharry

Another busy week in Primary 7a

This week we have been learning about angles during our maths lesson, we have been learning to identify and name angles, use a protractor to find the size of an angle and we have also learned to calculate the size of an angle.

In literacy we are continuing to work with our reading books in class, we are focusing on identifying descriptive languages and selecting the main ideas from the text.

During IDL time we are continuing to learn more about the Rainforests of the world. We have also been producing artwork around this theme.

In P.E. We have moved form dance to gymnastics.

This week our class Dojo winner is Callum Reddock.

Our four capacities certificate was awarded to Erin Gray for being a Confident Individual.

Saturday Night Fever

As part of our learning in dance we took a trip back to the 70’s to learn the Saturday Night Fever dance routine. It was great fun!

I really enjoyed P.E. this week because it was different and fun and everybody liked it and we were using sideway movements and forward movements and we danced to the beat.

Craig McNutt




This week we were learning about Rainforests and and why they are important. I especially enjoyed learning about the different layers of the rainforest I also found out that rainforests are home to about half of the worlds species.I liked this subject and would like to research further in the future.


Our R.M.E. Topic

This week in R.M.E. we sat in a circle and talked about our Divided City topic and Sectarianism. We wrote down the alphabet on Mrs Patrick’s whiteboard and thought of a word for each letter that would describe Sectarianism. We talked about different football club rivalries and what it causes, we also talked about racism and the outcome of what happens over it.

We thought his was a good way of learning and really enjoyed it.It also helped us understand the way people feel when this happens.


Andrew Murray And Christopher Patram