Tag Archives: Capacity Certificate

Friday Blog

We have had another fun and busy week learning together.

” I liked playing number name bingo.” Alysha Ali

“I loved learning to read and spell new words.” Nathan Boggis

” I liked going to assembly.” Maddie Whyteside

” I enjoyed doing my CLIC test this week.” Jack Lafferty

” I had fun doing Go Noodle.” Ashley Wheeler

” I enjoyed learning about Scotland.” Abbie Smillie


Logan Millar was awarded with a Successful Learner Certificate for his super writing.  Well done Logan!


Harry James Johnston was our DOJO winner this week! Congratulations!

Festive Friday Blog

What a wonderful week this has been! We have been very busy performing and learning lots too.

” I enjoyed counting teddies this week.” Logan Millar

“I had fun posting 3D shapes at the post office.” Alison Robertson

”   I liked making a winter picture.” Luke Scott

” I liked exercising and learning to kick a ball.” Connor McLeod.

” I enjoyed writing a letter to Santa. I hope he will come to our party next Thursday.” Sheryl Ford.


This week our dojo winner is Eilidh Smillie. Congratulations Eilidh!

Alysha Ali was awarded a Responsible Citizen certificate this week for being a kind and helpful member of our class.  Well done Alysha!


Friday Blog



We have been very busy having fun and learning lots this week.

“I liked sorting coins in a Carrol diagram.” James Bradley

“I enjoyed making words with my magnetic board.” Abbie Smillie

“I liked making a Christmas tree decoration for the school fayre.” Harry James Johnston

“I enjoyed learning songs for the Christmas show.” Maddie Whyteside

” I enjoyed painting.” Cerys Greig


Everyone tried very hard this week, but there could only be one DOJO winner.  This week, Aiden earned the most points.  Congratulations!


Nathan Boggis was awarded a certificate for being an Effective Contributor to our class.  Well done Nathan!


Friday Blog

What a fun and busy week we have had! We have been learning about pictograms and bar charts.  We had great fun practising our ball skills outside and we learned to make a persuasive poster.

“I enjoyed learning about pictograms this week.” Luke Scott

” I liked reading my new book about Little Teddy and Monkey” Alison Robertson

“I had fun making words with my magnetic letters.” Abbie Smillie


This week’s DOJO winner was…Abbie Smillie! Well done Abbie.


James Bradley was awarded a Responsible Citizen certificate for his commitment to the Fairtrade Council group.  Congratulations James!

Friday Blog

This has been another busy week and we have had lots of fun learning together.

” I enjoyed making new words with my magnetic board.” Sheryl Ford

“I liked making a giant Carroll Diagram outside.” James Bradley

” I enjoyed sorting pirates using a Carroll Diagram.” Logan Millar

” I liked reading my book about Curly the caterpillar.” Maddie Whyteside

” I had fun learning to spell new words this week.”  Erin Reid


Our Dojo winner this week was….Connor McLeod.  Well done Connor!

Congratulations to Cerys Greig who was awarded a Successful Learner Certifcate for her work with Carroll Diagrams.

We are delighted that we won the Me Time Award this week! We will enjoy a Movie Afternoon next Friday.

Friday Blog

We have had a super week, learning lots together.

” I liked having P.E. outside.” Ashley Wheeler

” I enjoyed mixing yellow and red paint to make an Autumn tree.” Abbie Smillie

” I liked getting my new reading book ‘Balloons Go Pop!’.  Kyle Taylor

” I  enjoyed learning about digital clocks.” Aiden O’Neill

” I liked lerning about the months of the year because  I used to get them muddled up.” Nathan Boggis.


Our DOJO winner this week was…Luke Scott! Well done Luke.


Nathan Boggis was the worthy winner of a Confident Indiviual Certificate today.  Congratulations Nathan!


We had a great afternoon having some fun in our fancy dress costumes.


Friday Blog

Primary 1b have had another hard working week.

“I enjoyed learning to tell the time”.  Alison Robertson

” I loved outdoor P.E.”  Connor McLeod

” I liked reading my book about a hungry raccoon.”   James Bradley

” I enjoyed learning new sounds.”  Eva Gibson

Our Dojo winner this week was….Ashley Wheeler.  Congratulations Ashley!

Connor McLeod was awarded an Effective Contributor certificate for being a friendly and welcoming member of our class.

The Last Week of Term 1

Primary 1b have had another hard working week.  We have been learning lots and having fun too!

“I really enjoyed making a puppet.” Cerys Greig

“I wrote a story about my puppet.” Luke Scott

” I liked learning about Bible stories this week.” Alysha Ali

” I enjoyed playing maths games on the ipads.” Noah Sharp

This week, our DOJO winner was……..Eva Gibson.  Well done Eva!

Our Capacity Certificate winner was Jack Lafferty, who was awarded for being a Responsible Citizen.  Well done Jack!