All posts by Mrs Vass

A New School Year

Primary 1b have made a super start to school.  We have been having lots of fun and learning too!

A friendly dragon left us a special letter and we have been very busy helping him to rebuild Fairyland in our classroom.

” I have enjoyed reading Fairytale stories.” Freya

” I liked making a flower picture and learning about plants.” Oran

” I had fun counting magic beans.” Rebecca

” I enjoyed writing numbers with chalk in the playground.” Adam

” I liked playing outside.” Roxy

” I liked drawing a  castle.” Kerr

Friday Fun – Sports Day Blog

We are having a super time today, trying out lots of fun sport activities.

”  I liked racing.” Jack

” I liked going on the bouncy castle.” Alison

” I liked football.” Kyle

” I enjoyed going on the bouncy castle.” Noah

” I enjoyed the assault course. It was tricky but I tried hard.” Eilidh

We also had a great day on Wednesday at Blair Drummond Safari Park

“I enjoyed seeing the lions running about.” Erin

” I liked playing in the adventure park.” Alysha

” I liked going on the boat to Chimp Island.” Sheryl

” I liked singing songs on the boat trip.” Abbie

” I liked the elephants.” Aiden

Congratulations to Cerys, the Dojo champion of the year!

We are very excited about all the fun things that we will get to do next week.  Our last week in Primary 1 will be great!

Friday Blog

We have had an amazing week!

” I liked sounding out words and sorting pictures.” Aiden

” I really enjoyed assembly.” Cerys

” I loved making sunglasses.” Sheryl

I liked reading about Matt and his football.” Jack

” I liked doing my spelling test.” Luke

” I enjoyed learning new spelling words.” Eilidh

I liked designing sunglasses.” Kyle

” I really enjoyed making words on my magnetic board.” Noah

” I loved going on stage for the school show.” Abbie

” I enjoyed writing a report about staying safe in the sun.” Harry James

Maddison was awarded a Responsible Citizen certificate.  Well done!

Kyle and Cerys were the DOJO winners! Congratulations!

Friday Blog

We have had a tremendous week!

” I enjoyed writing a report.  I got to show it off to Mrs Oliver and I got a tea party ticket!” James

” I liked making a surprise for Mrs Somers.” Eilidh

” I liked singing on the stage.” Logan

” I liked outdoor P.E.” Cerys

” I enjoyed learning about animals.” Kyle

Sunny Friday Blog

We have had a fantastic week and the weather has been super.

” I enjoyed writing a report about giraffes.” Eva

” I liked going outside to make groups of objects at maths time.”  Alysha

” I liked making a project about dogs.” Luke

” I enjoyed learning outside and walking our daily mile.” Cerys

” I enjoyed learning about reptiles and mammals.” Nathan

” I liked writing a book about pandas.” Kyle

Congratulations to Kyle for being our Dojo winner this week. Please look on the school twitter page to find out what else we have been doing this week.

Friday Blog

This week has been spectactular!

” I liked playing tennis with Harry James.” Cerys Greig

” I had fun speaking French.” Harry James

” I liked creating my own special chocolate treat.” Jack

” I enjoyed designing an art folder.” Luke

” I liked drawing a picture of a plant.” Ashley

Congratulations to our Dojo winner this week…Eva!

Cerys was awarded a Successful Learner certificate this week for her super counting. Well done Cerys!

Friday Blog

We have had a busy and fantastic week.

” I loved having an open afternoon.” James

” I liked gluing things into a bag. I chose a toothbrush and also soap.” Erin

” I liked reading.” Luke

” I liked making new words on my magnetic board.” Sheryl

” I liked learning to play tennis.” Jack

We really enjoyed having visitors this week.  They though:

“I liked the open day” Mr Lafferty

” It was lovely seeing the children all working hard.” Mrs Bradley


The Last Week in April

We have had an awesome week!

” I liked designing a new animal to live in Loompa land.” Logan

” I enjoyed writing instructions.” Eilidh

” I enjoyed learning to play tennis.” Cerys

” I liked writing in my Daily Writing jotter.” Kyle

A great big well done to Nathan, our worthy Dojo Champion this week!

Congratulations to Aiden for winning an Effective Contributor Certificate. He was very good at helping his partner this week.

We hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday on Monday.

Please remember your outdoor P.E. kit for Tuesday.




The children had great fun working on their hand eye coordination this week.

” I learned to hold the racket tightly.” Alysha

” I  had to keep looking at the balloon.” Harry James

” I hit the balloon softly.” James