Friday Blog

We have had another fun and busy week learning together.

” I liked playing number name bingo.” Alysha Ali

“I loved learning to read and spell new words.” Nathan Boggis

” I liked going to assembly.” Maddie Whyteside

” I enjoyed doing my CLIC test this week.” Jack Lafferty

” I had fun doing Go Noodle.” Ashley Wheeler

” I enjoyed learning about Scotland.” Abbie Smillie


Logan Millar was awarded with a Successful Learner Certificate for his super writing.  Well done Logan!


Harry James Johnston was our DOJO winner this week! Congratulations!

Friday Blog

We have had another fun and busy week.

” I liked designing my own tartan and making a kilt.” James Bradley

” I enjoyed going to assembly.” Luke Scott

” I enjoyed counting at maths time this week.” Aiden O’Neill.

“I liked tasting different Scottish foods.” Sheryl Ford

” I had fun learning Scottish ceilidh dances.” Connor McLeod.


This week our DOJO winner was…….Connor McLeod! Well done Connor.

Cerys Greig was awarded a Confident Individual certificate this week for her super reading.  Congratulations Cerys.

Please remember to wear a warm jacket and bring gloves, a hat and a scarf so we can still get out to play even when the weather is very cold.

The First Friday Blog of 2016

This has been a short week, but we managed to fit in lots of learning.

“I liked making new words on my magnetic board.” Eva Gibson

” I enjoyed writing about Christmas day.” Cerys Greig

” I had fun making a Scottish flag.” Noah Sharp

” I enjoyed learning about Robert Burns.” James Bradley

” I liked learning to count in French.” Alysha Ali

” I enjoyed the spelling test.” Jack Lafferty

We can’t wait to have more fun next week.  Check back to see what we have been doing.