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Paper aeroplane flight

We are learning all about transport in Primary 2.

We were learning all about the Wright brothers and the first aeroplane flight.

We made Paper aeroplanes with Mr Campbell and decorated them with different types of coloured lines.

We took them to the hall to fly them. They all flew very well. Jack and Alison’s aeroplanes went very far, but Aiden’s flew the furthest.



Our Week at School: Week 5

This week in Primary two we learned lots of thing, here are some of the things the children shared with the class.

“We did some story writing, we wrote about going on a trip on an aeroplane”. Aiden shared with the class.

“We made paper aeroplanes with Mr Campbell and Mrs Rennie, we put coloured lines on them”. Harvey was excited to tell us.

“We learned how to wash our hands properly”. Nathan remembered.

“We learned all about our new topic of transport”. Ashley told us with a smile.

“We worked on some phonemes from P1, Qu Oy and Oa”. Olivia and Kayla said together.

A very proud Moment in Primary 2

We would like to share this proud moment from one of our pupils in primary 2 here at Whitelees Primary.

When Erin was told she was going to have her hair cut she decided to donate her hair to the children who have lost theirs through illness.

Erin had 8 inches cut from her hair which has now been donated to The Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children.

We are all very proud of Erin and how thoughtful and caring she has been towards this charity.


Our Week at School: Week 4

We had another busy week in Primary 2, here are some of the things we did.

“We sang some songs on the stage with Mr Campbell” said Nathan.

“At indoor PE with Mrs Murdock we played freeze tig, running and traffic lights” Sheryl and Kayla told us.

“We wrote about Hot air balloons, and I got a star writer medal” Harvey was proud to tell us.

“In outdoor PE we did fitness and Bike ability with Mrs Scott” Said Kyle.

” We did maths, doing take away sums and our Spelling test” Millie was happy to report.

“We did some extra songs today. The Boom-chicka-Boom song with Mr Campbell. We like that song” Connor happily told us.

“We chose new names for our groups. They are all  from our  new transport topic” Cerys told the class. “They are fun” Aiden added.


Our week at School: week 3

We have had a very busy week here in Primary 2, here are some of the things we have done.

“This week in indoor gym, we played Basketball. It was fantastic”, said Sofian.

“In art we drew pictures of our faces, wearing  jumpers with different types of lines on them”, said Millie.

“We did some singing with Mr Campbell, we sang some silly songs and we did some clapping games”, said Erin.

” This week we did our daily mile very fast,  we did it in 14 minutes and we won a gold Olympic medal”, Olivia told the class.

“In assembly last week we learned about the 5 S’s of standing in our lines”, said Harvey and Sheryl.

” We played freeze tig in indoor PE”, Kyle told us.

Happy 40th Birthday Whitelees!

Primary 2 had a great day celebrating the 40th birthday of Whitelees Primary. We had lots of fun on the bouncy castle and at the Ice cream van, as well as learning basketball and doing some awesome drama!



Primary 2

Primary 2 are enjoying their first week back at school.   Already we have been learning about the “Olympics”, walking our daily mile, adding numbers together and writing about what we can do well.   We are a busy bunch!!

Sports Day

“We went down to the pitch and played pirate ship with a ball,” said Emilie.

“We bounced on the bouncy castle,” said Owen.

“We did an assault, agility course in the hall,” said Daniel.

“We exercised in the GP room,” said Sophie.

“We enjoyed the hurdles, ” said  Cooper.

“I liked going through the hoops,” said Eilidh.image image image image image image image image image