Home Tasks for Mr Campbell’s P2 class

Hello everyone!

I know its been very tricky for some of my class to get to school because of the snow. But if you are at home I hope you are safe and warm.

Why not try some of these tasks:


Here is a maths game to practice our number bonds in the story of 10. put the pairs of aliens that add up to 10 into the spaceship and left them fly away.


Practice adding up coins to buy toys at this shop. Think about using 1p, 2p 5p and 10p like we have in class. (you can even play this game on a tablet.)




Why don’t you impress someone at home with how fabulous you are at reading with this game. REMEMBER to sound out those tricky words and blend them together.

If you spot magic E why not teach someone at home our Rap we know to help us remember what it does to other letters.


Remember to practice your reading book!


Can you spot any Nouns or o-e sound words? Write them in your homework jotter.

I would love to know what you did today if you couldn’t make it to school. Why don’t you write 2 FABULOUS sentences in your homework jotter to let me know what you did.

We have been doing lots of work in class on ‘Our Local area’

Could you draw a map of your street? make sure you put your house and any of your friends houses on it. Is there anything important near you, like a church, school, shop or doctors office?



I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. If you are going to play out in the snow make sure you wrap up warm!

Take care,!

Mr Campbell