We decorated our old shoes for bling your shoes day. We made all our old shoes really crazy with art stuff. On odd shoes day “Twosday Tuesday” we wore odd shoes to school. We did our “Daily Mile” in these shoes.
All posts by Mrs Scott
Measuring Area
We have been busy in Maths this week. We have been learning to measure area.
Bike ability 2016
Super cycling skills are on show in our Bikeability group. We have had fun cycling around obstacles, passing hoops to each other and cycling very, very slowly in our slow race.
“Their skeletons are on the outside of their bodies,” said Harry.
“Shrimps look like lobsters but they are much smaller,” said Enya.
“If a starfish breaks a leg it can grow a new one,” said Emilie.
“Crustaceans have soft bits in the middle,” said John.
“Crabs and lobsters have sharp pincers,” said Conor.
“Some crustaceans live in the sea and some live on land,” said
Sophie S.
“Crustaceans have hard shells,” said Emma-Sophia.
“Starfish can cling onto rocks for safety when the tide is coming in,” said Lewis.
“Crustaceans live under the sea,” said Daniel.
“Crustaceans have antennae,” said Sienna N.
“Crabs can walk about on land and they can swim in the sea,” said Sophie W.
“Lobsters live on land and sea,” said Adam.
“Starfish have a hard shell,” said Chloe.
Under The Sea
We have just begun our new topic “Under The Sea.” The children have learned some of these facts this week. I am impressed with their knowledge and I hope that you are too.
“Sharks are blind and they can smell blood,” said Eilidh.
“Seahorses hold on to the plant to go to sleep,” said Lily.
“Mantarays are very dangerous and their tails are poisonous,” said Harry.
“Sharks have to keep moving or they drown,” said Enya.
“Whales swim to the bottom of the sea and then they come back up again,” said Sophie S.
“Fish cannot breathe unless they are in water,” said Skye.
“Turtles lie down on the seabed and smaller fish eat the food that gathers on their shells,” said Sienna W.
“Crabs are dangerous because they can pinch you,” said Cillian.
“Pufferfish have spikes to protect them,” said Lewis.
“The eel looks for food at night,” said Matthew.
P2 Daily Mile
Primary 2 are taking part in the daily mile. We are enjoying this very much. Here is what we have to say.
“Running makes you fit and healthy,” said Chloe.
“The daily mile is fun,” said Harry.
“A daily mile keeps you fit and healthy,” said Lauren.
“You can run or walk,” said Lewis.
Working hard in Maths
We have been dividing by 2 using our knowledge of halves. We are using our whiteboards and pens to work out the answers.
Emergency Vehicle Models
P2 and their families have had good fun making these super models of Police cars, fire engines and ambulances. They look super. I’m sure that you agree.
We had a great day of fun learning outdoors today.
We are learning about fractions. We can shade half of a shape and a quarter of a shape. We can also say the answer to half of a given number.
“1 whole is the same as two halves,” said Lily.
“1 whole cake can be cut into four quarters,” said Lauren.
“It is like division,” said Dylan.
“With a whole we can make four quarters,” said Daniel.
“We can make pictures when we cut circles in halves and quarters,” said Emilie.
“We can make a whole into thirds,” said Lewis.