Category Archives: Primary 4

Road Safety Roadshow

We are all looking forward to our Road Safety Roadshow in partnership with Norbett Dentressangle. This event will take place on Monday 10th October at the top end of the school car park. All Primary classes will have the opportunity to visit the two vehicles and talk to the drivers about road/cycle safety.
Parents are very welcome to visit after 2.30pm on Monday as Norbett Dentressangle staff will be only too happy to show them around the lorries and discuss any aspect of Road Safety regarding HGVs and trailers on the roads. So why not come along and see what you can learn?

McMillan Coffee

Thanks to all the children who dressed down for McMillan. We were delighted at the huge turn out of parents and friends for our coffee afternoon. Everyone enjoyed the home baking and the school has to thank the school’s catering staff for providing all the delicious treats. It was a very busy afternoon with many pupils showing family and friends around the school.
We raised £717.92 which was a tremendous effort. Thanks to everyone for this very worthwhile cause.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and friends of the school who attended our Coffee Morning/Open Afternoon today.  We will let you know the total raised once it is finalised.

We were delighted with the turnout and the children just loved showing their families around the school.  It was a great opportunity for the school community to socialise – we hope you enjoyed meeting the teachers in an informal situation.

If you attended the event, we would love your feedback.  Please click here to leave a comment on the blog or email your thoughts to

New term for Primary 4

We have been working hard and settling in to the Junior department. We have been doing a lot of revision for maths and have used some fun games to practice our addition, subtraction and times tables. The 4x table is this week’s ‘Table of the Week’. Our topic this term is ‘Scotland’ and we will be using maps and computers to find information.

We have been working hard to settle in to primary 4.

In primary 4 we have all investigated Scotland using computers. This week our Red group have produced magnificent posters for their new reading book Midnight Pig. We are looking forward to our mums, dads and grandparents visiting us on Friday 30th September, to take part in our MacMillan Coffee morning. We would also like to thank all of the Mum’s and Dad’s who have come along every Friday to help with our Golden Time.

In primary 4 our weekly homework will be Monday pyramid spelling Tuesday maths Wednesday making sentences from our monday pyramid spelling Thursday will vary according to our topic.

What is Pyramid spelling? !! first write out the word, then split the word letter by letter, e.g. spelling s, sp, spe, spel, spell, spelli, spellin, spelling. Finally returning to the original word.

Our Gym day is Tuesday, all children should bring a polo shirt and shorts.

Tannochside Eco Warriors

Tannochside Primary School is proud to announce their newly elected Eco Warriors.  There are representatives from every stage and we also have members from our nursery school, janitorial staff, school management members and some class teachers – more photos to be added!!  We have taken our first tentative steps towards our Eco Green Flag by conducting our checklist to evaluate where we are and where we want to go – but it will take lots of effort from everyone in the school and to be fair it is our long term objective/aim to achieve our Green Flag.  We promise to keep you updated on any initiatives we plan to introduce and hope to have your full support, and remember all great suggestions welcome.

We want to hear from you!

We are very grateful for the amount of visitors that come to our website, but we are receiving very few comments on our blog.  Please leave a comment after you have read an article!

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We are looking forward to hearing from you!