Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and friends of the school who attended our Coffee Morning/Open Afternoon today.  We will let you know the total raised once it is finalised.

We were delighted with the turnout and the children just loved showing their families around the school.  It was a great opportunity for the school community to socialise – we hope you enjoyed meeting the teachers in an informal situation.

If you attended the event, we would love your feedback.  Please click here to leave a comment on the blog or email your thoughts to

3 thoughts on “Macmillan Coffee Morning”

  1. Well done everyone! We raised a terrific amount of money for this very worthwhile cause on Friday. I am sure that all of the mums and dads and grannies enjoyed their visit to Tannochside and meeting the teachers too. I particularly enjoyed trying all of the yummy cakes that were made by members of staff!!

  2. I had a great day meeting some of my pupil’s parents and getting to eat lots of yummy cakes. We raised a fantastic amount of money too, well done everyone!

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