We have been working hard to settle in to primary 4.

In primary 4 we have all investigated Scotland using computers. This week our Red group have produced magnificent posters for their new reading book Midnight Pig. We are looking forward to our mums, dads and grandparents visiting us on Friday 30th September, to take part in our MacMillan Coffee morning. We would also like to thank all of the Mum’s and Dad’s who have come along every Friday to help with our Golden Time.

In primary 4 our weekly homework will be Monday pyramid spelling Tuesday maths Wednesday making sentences from our monday pyramid spelling Thursday will vary according to our topic.

What is Pyramid spelling? !! first write out the word, then split the word letter by letter, e.g. spelling s, sp, spe, spel, spell, spelli, spellin, spelling. Finally returning to the original word.

Our Gym day is Tuesday, all children should bring a polo shirt and shorts.