S4 – N5 2021

This group are reading the Alan Spence play “Sailmaker.”  The materials are available on the website and on Edmodo.  This week pupils are engaged in research which will help students when they come to work on the play.

Pupils should send their work to their teacher and should also remember that their teacher is there if they have questions or want something clarified.  This is a popular play which students generally love so we are hopeful S3 will enjoy this unit of work !

S3 English – Group 2

This group are reading the Alan Spence play “Sailmaker.”  The materials are available on the website and on Edmodo.  This week pupils are engaged in research which will help students when they come to work on the play.

Pupils should send their work to their teacher and should also remember that their teacher is there if they have questions or want something clarified.  This is a popular play which students generally love so we are hopeful S3 will enjoy this unit of work !

S3 English – Group 1

Daily tasks are uploded to Edmodo and pupils are encouraged to undertake these tasks and send them to their teacher.  The tasks are varied and include reading, writing and leanguage tasks which will help to boost the skills and knowledge of pupils in this group.

S2 English

Students are almost finished producing their AVU which will be delivered when we return to school during Phase 3.  The materials are available on Edmodo and the website.  Many pupils have worked very hard on this and we are delighted with the results.

Next week we want to start some reading tasks and pupils should start thinking about a text they would want to read, this can be either fiction ( a book/short story) or could be a newspaper article or a non-fiction book such as a biography.

Pupils are also encouraged to read for enjoyment and watch both fims and TV programmes during this time, these are excellent for their ability to analyse and develop their ability to handle and engage with media texts.  Discussing these texts at home can be highly benenfifial, particulalry if you ask open ended questions such as why do you think the director did that/showed that or why did they use that camera angle or have the character say that or do that ?  S2 pupils have developed a fairly sophisticated knowledge of film techniques including camera angles. Encouraging pupils to justify their own ideas by referring to the text is excellent preparation for the years ahead.

Finally, “Jurassic Park” was on the television over the weekend, hopefully those who hadn’t finished the film in class got a chance to catch up with it !

S1 English

S1 are working on some grammar and punctuation tasks which should be fairly straightforward revisiion tasks.   These have been placed in a folder in Edmodo.  Pupils should send their work to their teacher via email or Edmodo.

Pupils are also encouraged to read for enjoyment and watch both fims and TV programmes during this time, these are excellent for their ability to analyse and develop their ability to handle and engage with media texts.  Discussing these texts at home can be highly benenfifial, particulalry if you ask open ended questions such as why do you think the director did that/showed that or why did they use that camera angle or have the character say that or do that ?  Encouraging pupils to justify their own ideas by referring to the text is excellent preparation for the years ahead.

Higher Spanish

Pupils have been working on the present tense using a grammar booklet on Edmodo and our Modern Languages glow page. Please message your teacher if you have any questions about this. Pupils have also been doing a weekly reading. The results have been fantastic so far, keep working hard!

Mr Campbell has posted translations for you to complete about describing yourself and your family this week. Please send your work to your teachers by Friday. Hope you all have a great week!

S3 Spanish

S3 are continuing to work on the healthy living topic this week. Mrs Bell has posted the answers to the reading passage set for last week.  Please have a look at the answers and message your teachers if you have any questions at all.

More work on healthy lifestyle has been posted today, on our glow page and on Edmodo, and is due on Friday as usual. Please send your work to your teachers by then. There is also an Edmodo quiz due for Friday of this week.

We hope you have a good week and thank you for all your hard work so far!

S2 Spanish

S2 have been working on the helping in the house and free time topic for a few weeks.

Last week, S2 also took part in a Spanish Challenge and some of their amazing work can be seen in the video below:

This week, pupils will do a Chilli Challenge where they will complete a reading activity and a writing piece about free time and helping in the house. They will also go on virtual holiday to Madrid or Havana.

All materials are on both Edmodo and our Modern Languages glow page.  Please ask any questions you have and send your work to your teacher by Friday! Have a good week!

S1 Spanish

S1 have been working hard on the school topic for the past few weeks. Well done to all who completed the quiz from last week – great results!

This week, we are continuing on with the school topic. We are learning to describe our school this week and what it looks like.


All materials can be found on Edmodo and our Modern Languages glow page. Please ask any questions you have and send your work to your teachers by Friday. Have a good week!

Higher Spanish

Higher Spanish pupils have been working on grammar for the past few weeks. Please continue to make your way through this booklet and message your teachers with any questions you have. All materials are on Edmodo and our glow page.

A weekly reading passage is also set for you. Well done to everyone on the reading last week – great scores! The reading for this week is ¿Londres o Edimburgo? and materials are on Edmodo and glow.

 Have a good week!

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