
Awards website imagePupil Awards

At St Stephen’s we ensure that the children attain the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence which are :
·    successful learners
·    confident individuals
·    effective contributors
·    responsible citizens.

They will express this by becoming more independent and successful in their learning, by having greater knowledge and more secure understanding, and by being able to use the knowledge that they have more effectively.

Through our teaching we make sure that the children are able to process new information more easily and apply knowledge in rich, motivating, creative learning contexts. At St Stephen’s the children are learning to become more independent and show confidence when tackling new and more challenging tasks.
To show the value we place on this lifelong learning here at St. Stephen’s we celebrate our pupils’ accomplishments in each of these four capacities during a weekly assembly. Children are recognised for their achievements both in and out of school.

Teachers in every class choose children to receive one of four Pupil Awards. Children will receive a certificate for being a Confident Individual, Effective Contributor, Responsible Citizen or Successful Learner.

Mrs. Watt presents the certificates which are given pride of place on our Pupil Awards wall in the assembly hall before children take them home.

House Points

At the beginning of each school year, every pupil is allocated a house – St. Mirin, St. Ninian, St. Columba or St. Mungo. Children aim to earn ‘house points’ for their group through showing evidence of being a successful learner, confident individual, effective contributor or a responsible citizen. Anything from showing good manners to improving their written work; being a good team-mate or confidently explaining their learning; setting a good example to others or caring for younger children in the yard can earn pupils a house point.

During assembly on a Friday the house points are collected by our P7 House Captains and added to the house points collector. At the end of the term the house and vice captains add up all of the house points to identify the winner. The winning house are given an end of term award!

House Captains and Vice-Captains are chosen from P7 pupils who submit an application form that explains their skills and qualities and why they would be suitable for the role.

Star Lines website imageStar Lines

Every morning pupils line up with their classmates in the yard before 9am. The whole school says their morning prayers with the head teacher before being welcomed and given any important messages for that day. At the end of play time and lunch time pupils also line up before being taken to class by staff.

During these times classes have the chance to be awarded a star for lining-up quickly, quietly and paying close attention to any announcements. Individual children will also be given house points if they impress any members of staff.

Our senior pupils take turns as line monitors to help ensure everyone is ready! At the end of the week the class with the most stars is rewarded with an extra play time!

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