LCSC Website imageNorth Lanarkshire Council has an inclusive approach to learning and teaching.  Most young people with speech, language or communication needs will be supported in their local mainstream school through a staged intervention approach.

A small number of children with speech, language or communication needs may require access to an alternative resource to meet their specific additional support needs,  For those children, North Lanarkshire Council provide a range of alternative resources located within mainstream schools.  These are known as Language and Communication Support Centres. (LCSC).

Language and Communication Support Centres are able to provide:

·    Higher staff ratios to allow pupils to be taught in smaller groups within the centre and/or support in mainstream classes to facilitate inclusion.

·    Access to the Curriculum for Excellence for all pupils

·    Additional Support Planning

·    Integrated Speech and Language Therapy input where appropriate

·    Support for pupils at social times where required

·    Social skills teaching sessions for pupils where required

·    Visual resources and support

·    Parent support


St Stephen’s LCSC opened in August 2013 and comprises of a small number of classrooms located throughout our school. Classrooms are resourced to a high standard with significant investment in sensory equipment and resources to support effective learning.

The LCSC has become an integral part of our school community where children are included in all aspects of school life.

The LCSC has a higher staff ratio than mainstream classes and is staffed by Class Teachers and Additional Support Needs Assistants.  The Depute Head Teacher has responsibility for the daily running of the LCSC.

Staff collaborate successfully with other agencies, particularly a team of Speech and Language Therapists who work in the school on a weekly basis.  Other agencies become involved where required.

The school has successfully established good communication links between home and school and we provide a number of opportunities for parents to visit throughout the year.

Most children travel to and from school by taxi and are accompanied by an escort.

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