Digital Leaders
As a digital leader, pupils will be working as part of a team undertaking various responsibilities related to digital matters throughout the school.
Some of these responsibilities include helping other children to use different technologies, creating educational videos explaining the use of different programs and digital tools, and contributing to the school website by creating a termly newsletter and a virtual tour of our school.
The children make use of their very own Microsoft Team where other classes may request their help with digital matters – “Dial-A-Digital-Leader”
At St Stephen’s, we are working towards achieving the Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety (CRIS) award.
We are learning how to stay safe online and have created a school CRIS policy.
Primary 7 CRIS ambassadors created a PowerPoint and held an assembly to share our policy and online safety strategies with younger pupils. We also enjoyed a visit from PC Fulton who answered our questions about staying safe online.