St Kevin's Primary and Nursery

by gw16doranpauline@glow

STEM after school club

This week we were learning about engineering .

Miss McLaughlin set the children a challenge to build a structure that could stand for at least a minute . They had to use spaghetti and marshmallow to create a structure similar to the Eiffel Tower .

Firstly we looked at similar structures on the smart board and discuss what made them successfully .

We had a lot of fun working together and even enjoyed eating a few marshmallows too !

Next week we will be learning about Science .

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by Mr McGuigan

P5/6 Outdoor Learning…

Today we enjoyed some outdoor learning where we used the crisp weather to come up with some adjectives for our upcoming writing challenge!

We also took the opportunity to advance our current topic on space, by considering the changing lengths of our shadows throughout the day.

by gw16doranpauline@glow

STEM Afterschool club

This week the children in our STEM club  have enjoyed working in teams developing their technology skills . We had to try to build a vehicle which would include a motor to make it move using K ‘nex kits .

We are looking to next week when we will be finding out about engineering !


by gw16doranpauline@glow

Primary 1

This week Primary 1 had some fun with snow !

We discussed together what snow looks like and feels like .

by Mr McGuigan

Happy New Year from p5/6!

Today we applied our problem solving skills to create a structure similar to the aqueducts used by the Romans! Some top engineering skills on show! We recycled household materials during the construction process; many thanks to those who brought in materials.

by gw10pearsonevelyn@glow

Friday 21st December 2018

Peimary 2/3 have been working very hard on a variety of activities across the curriculum.  The children enjoyed making hedgehog houses, Christmas globes, recycled items from waste, a leaf man, symmetrical snowflakes using mirrors and showing off their drama and music talents at The Christmas Show.

The children have worked very hard with their partner and groups to complete a range of number talks activities using number sense games and are continuing to make excellent progress in reading, phonemes and spelling.

Myself and P2/3 would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!








by Miss McFadyen

Eco News: Switch Off Fortnight

Our Eco committee members had been conducting secret inspections of all classrooms at lunchtime to make sure they were sticking to their Switch Off Fortnight Promise.

We were making a concious effort to stop using energy when not needed in order to help in the fight against Climate Change.

We are very pleased to announce that all classes passed and were successful in keeping their promise! They were rewarded today with certificates.

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However, just because Switch Off Fortnight is over doesn’t mean we won’t be continuing to save as much energy as we can.

Well done everyone!

by Miss McFadyen

Eco Day!

Our whole school Eco Day was a great success on Friday Pupils enjoyed taking part in a range of Eco and Fairtrade related activities.

These included

  • Building models from recyclable material.
  • learning about how to make compost.
  • tasting Fairtrade fruit and finding out where our food comes from.
  • listening to a recycling presentation from Viridor.
  • Making energy saving promises for Switch Off Fortnight.

Sadly due to the rain we we couldn’t plant our bulbs or do the Eco Scavenger Hunt, however we are hoping to do these this week.

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