Primary 6 – Monday 30th March

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend and got a chance to enjoy the sunshine. I sat in the sun below the west tower of my palatial mansion thinking about ways of stopping the wild deer from eating the grass on the smaller of my two tennis courts.

Here is Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 4 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

After listening to the chapter use what you know about the dragons and the Hairy Hooligan Tribe to describe the perfect viking dragon. What kind of qualities are the Hooligans looking for in their dragons?

You have new spelling, reading and maths challenges up on Sumdog today

The key words for your spelling are














You could write and practise them in your jotter this week to help you online.

There are some new maths challenges of Studyladder too.

Here’s a little brain teaser to get you started today

Mrs. McIntosh bought eye-liner for £4.20, hair conditioner for £5.55 and face cream for £3.79.

How much change did she get from three £5 notes and what coins could she have been paid in?

I tell you the answer tomorrow.

Mr. McIntosh



Monday 30th March- Primary 1b

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your families and managed to get out for some fresh air. The weather has been really nice. I managed to go a long walk each day and enjoyed listening to my music.

Today marks the beginning of your second week of home learning. I was so impressed with how hard you all worked last week so I am sure you will be great this week too! This week I would like you to continue working on your home learning grid. I have also set you two Literacy challenges to complete on Sumdog.

I have made Maths a little more fun by creating a competition on Sumdog. The competition will begin today and it will end at 3 o’clock on Friday. I will post the winner on Friday. Remember, you have to be in it, to win it! Try your best and give it a go!

Remember you can also access Studyladder. Some of you have already emailed me for your username and password. If you haven’t, please feel free to email me and I will send you your details.

I am missing all of your cheery faces and stories. Keep tweeting me all of your wonderful pictures.

Take care and have a great day,

Miss McEleney

Bake Off!

I promised you all a picture of my victoria sponge and here it is 🙂 I might have got a little bit excited and ate a piece before I took the picture! It was delicious!

Baking is fun and of course tasty! I challenge you to try and bake something next week and post me a little picture 🙂

Now I am off out on a big walk to work off all that cake!

Have a great weekend.

Miss McEleney 🙂


Primary 4/3

Friday 27 March 2020

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you are well and you have been behaving!!

I can see more people have been on Spelling and Reading on Sumdog.  I hope that you are getting to know your way around Study Ladder too.

Try to remember to tweet me your activities so that I can see what you have been doing.  I hope you have been getting plenty of exercise – have you been you doing your Joe Wicks?  I have!!

Take care and have a lovely weekend!!

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈🌈

Good Morning Primary 3,

Hope you are all all enjoying your week so far. Today is Friday so remember to give yourself some golden time and have fun!

Throughout today keep working on your grid and remember to have a go at the Sumdog challenge.

Have you made a rainbow for your window yet? A fun art activity for today if not. Tweet your pictures in so I can see all of your hard work.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss McMullen x

Friday 27th March

Happy Friday Primary 6!!

I’ve been so happy to see so many of you working on Sumdog, First News and StudyLadder this week, but I know that you must be missing me so I took this picture of me smiling so that you remember what it’s like being in my class every day.

Now is also a good time to remind you that you have spelling and literacy challenges as well as maths on Sumdog and some new mental maths challenges on Studyladder.

How did you get on with your literal, inferential and evaluative questions yesterday?

The inferential ones are always the hardest, but those are the ones that really show how much you understand the story.

Here is Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 3 of, “How to Train your Dragon”

Hiccup and Fishlegs have escaped from the caves in Wild Dragon Cliff but their troubles are not over yet.

Sequence their escape up Madman’s Gulley until the part of the story where Gobber The Belch yells, “Heroes or exile!”

You could do this in bullet points or you could create a comic strip which shows this part of the story with captions explaining the action.

Keep using your learning grids and remember that sometimes even your parents need a break from how wonderful you are.

Mr McIntosh

Primary 7-Friday 27th March

Good morning Primary 7,

It’s Friday which means that week 1 of home learning is nearly over. I am sure you have all been busy working on your learning grids this week and I would really like to see some pictures of the activities you have completed posted on Twitter or emailed to myself.

As your week has been very different from a normal school week perhaps you could write a short recount of what it has been like to learn at home and some of the things you have been doing.

I have attached a reading bingo grid below, this might be a fun way to do your personal reading for today. Maybe you could read a chapter or two to a sibling or your parent or guardian.

It would be great if you could all go on to Top Marks today and complete a Daily 10 challenge to get your brains working. Select level 6, Doubles/ Halves and up to 500. If you really want to challenge yourself you can select up to 1000. I will even let you select manual instead of setting a timer.

We have been exploring angles in maths why not see if you can photograph and measure angles around your house? Treat your family members to a little sing song and show them your knowledge of angles through our angles song to the tune of the YMCA.

To work on some life skills why don’t you make lunch for the people in your household today? It might be nice for whoever has been looking after you all week to get a little break.

Have a fantastic Friday and try to get outdoors for some fresh air this weekend. Stay safe Primary 7!

Mrs Butler 🙂

Primary 1b- Friday 27th March

Good morning 🙂

Happy Friday! Well  done for making it through your first week of home learning. I am sure you have been working hard and listening carefully to your mum’s and dad’s but most importantly I am sure you have been having lots of  FUN with your family.

A lovely way to start your day would be to say this simple 5 finger prayer.

We have been working hard in class improving our Spanish skills. Why not show off your skills to one of your family members? Can you tell them the days of the week and months of the year in Spanish? You could even sing them a song!

Keep working through the activities on your learning grid. Remember I have set you some maths, reading and spelling challenges on Sumdog. Your challenges finish today so… GO! GO! GO! I have also signed you up for Study Ladder. If you haven’t got your login details yet just send me an email.

Since you have worked so hard this week you certainly deserve some GOLDEN TIME.  Play with a toy or game you haven’t played with in a while.                                                                                                                                                                   

Today I am going to try and bake a victoria sponge cake 🙂 Let’s hope it all goes to plan!

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls. Keep safe and keep smiling.

Miss McEleney 🙂




Friday 27th March Primary 5/4

Good morning boys and girls. It is Friday which means GOLDEN TIME! If you work hard throughout the day take some time off this afternoon to have a play.

Things have been very different for everyone this week and it might be like this for a while. You could start a diary or write a letter to your friends if you are missing them to tell them about all the fun you are having at home.

Tonight is movie night in my house and we are watching Toy Story 4!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McGill

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