If you are really proud of your homework you can scan or take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.
I hope that you and your family have a safe and relaxing September weekend.
As this week is a shorter week, your child has only been set tasks for Monday and Tuesday night.
The accompanying worksheets will be sent home in the clear plastic zippy wallet on Monday night. I would really appreciate if this wallet could be returned to school empty in your child’s school bag on Tuesday. Please return your child’s reading book to school on Wednesday this week.
Could you please encourage your child to practise their reading book each night.
Letter sound- p
1.Practise saying the ‘p’ sound. Listen to the ‘p’ Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.
2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘p’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘p’?
3.Complete letter ‘p’ formation worksheet.
We are learning to recognise and write the number 8 this week.
Number 8 formation rhyme– ‘Make an ‘S’ and close the gate. Now you’ve made the number eight.’
Encourage your child to recite the rhyme to you and then practise their number formation.
Complete number 8 formation worksheet.
Common Words: an, is, and
1.Use your word tin to practise all of your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.
2.Practise writing your common words by choosing one of the fun spelling tasks below:
Pasta Words– Arrange pasta or cereal to make your words. Glue onto a piece of paper or take a picture.
Chalk- Write your common words outside on the ground using chalk.
Foamy Words– Spray a small amount of shaving foam and spread it out. Practise writing your words in the foam.
We have been working on subitising up to 5. Show someone in your family how fast you can recognise numbers of things without counting.
Practise counting, matching and ordering by playing the Ladybird Spots game.
If you are really proud of your homework you can scan or take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.
I hope that you and your family have a safe and relaxing September weekend.
First and foremost apologies for any confusion over homework last week. I hope this week everything is clear and you have everything you need. 🙂
Your child has been issued with a clear plastic folder with a red zip. This folder is for bringing homework home from school only and should be returned the following day. On the label it will say your child’s name, class and which group they are working in at the moment. (Red, Green or Blue) Please keep jotters/worksheets at home for now.
Please find attached the tasks set for your child and see the accompanying support materials. A copy of this can be found in the wallet too. As it is a short week the children only have tasks set for Monday and Tuesday. Reading books will be due to be returned on Wednesday.
We are continuing to work with the children in Primary 2 to ascertain if there are any gaps in learning. We are putting plans in place to address this so please do not be concerned if your Primary 2 child is completing revision work.
Please contact us anytime if you want to discuss anything.
Please click on the link below to view this weeks tasks. Homework has only been issued for Monday and Tuesday evenings due to the holiday. Please continue to encourage your child to continue with their personal reading and times table revision.
Jotters have been issued and should be kept at home. Work can be shared via email or on the blog itself. If you have any questions please get in touch.