R.E- Thursday 18th June

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all enjoying our ‘Health Week’ so far, keeping active and healthy!

Let’s start today as always with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

St Barbara Pray for us.🙏

Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist.

During the month of June, we celebrate the Birth of John the Baptist. We celebrate his birth on the 24th June. So today, we are going to be learning about the ‘Birth of John the Baptist’. 

Who is John the Baptist?

John was the first man to publicly identify Jesus as the coming Messiah.

Before he was born

 John the Baptist is a very special Saint, before Saint John the Baptist was even born. God announced his birth to John’s Father Zechariah through the angel Gabriel. We know of someone else who had a visit from the angel Gabriel? Can you think who this might be?

Let’s have a listen to the video below to find out more about his birth and why it is so important:

God had a plan. He had chosen John to be the special prophet who would announce the coming of Jesus the Messiah.

Before you were born. God already knew who you were going to be. In fact, before any of the World was created He already knew every person who was going to live in it!

Just like God had a special plan for Saint John the Baptist. He also has a special plan for you. He wants you to be a prophet-that is, a witness- to Jesus for your friends and family. To do this, you need to stay close to Jesus through prayer and the sacraments. Do your best to live out God’s special plan for you!

Shortly before he died

John announced that the Messiah was coming soon, then baptised Jesus in the Jordan. After this, Jesus went into the desert for 40 days. When He returned, John pointed Him out to the first of Jesus’ disciples. Shortly after, John was arrested and Jesus’ public ministry took off.

Let’s listen to this story to find out more about Saint John the Baptist:



Let’s test our knowledge on how well we now know the ‘Birth of John the Baptist’ by completing one of these tasks below.

Challenge- write in the correct answer if it it false.

Here is a lovely picture that you could print off and colour in or you might like to try have a go at drawing this yourself. 

Please send your work to your teacher’s glow email or tweet us @St_BarbarasPS.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday! 

Welcome Wednesday!

It’s ‘Welcome Wednesday’ and a very warm St. Barbara’s welcome to our new intake…the new Primary 1 children and all of your families.

While many of you are familiar with the school, some of you have never seen it before and you will have that opportunity at some point today.

On this special page  you will find lots of information about the school including a video tour, letters and pictures from your Buddies and a special ‘Expert Area.’

The Expert Area has been created especially for you by our current Primary 1 children.

We can’t wait to see you all in school in August. In the meantime, please scroll down and enjoy!

Buddy Letters to Primary 1

Please email your pictures and stories to:


Thank you!


Parent Council: Mrs Mackenzie

A message from Mrs Mackenzie

A Message from the P.T.A.

A message from the P.T.A.


Come in and see our school!


We hope that you enjoyed all of the messages and video clips! 


Finally it’s time for a story and a challenge.


Now for the challenge…



Happy hunting, everyone!

See you in August!

If you have any questions, please email me at:



R.E. – Wednesday 17th June

Good morning boys and girls, on Sunday we celebrated the feast of Christ’s Body and Blood, this is also know as Corpus Christi so today we are going to take some time to celebrate Jesus-the bread of life. Make sure that you are comfortable, light a little candle 🕯 (if a grown up is with you) this helps us to take time out of our day to remember that Jesus is with us.

When we go to mass there are two very important symbols that remind us of Christ’s body and blood.  Can anyone think of what they are?

The chalice (the cup) and the host (the bread).  These are very important items we use at mass that become, or hold, Christ’s body and blood.

Why do you think that we celebrate Christ’s body and blood?  Why is it important?

Christ’s body and blood are gifts that Jesus began to give us at the Last Supper and finished after he rose from the dead.  We also call it the Eucharist.  We share the Eucharist together to remind us that we are all united.  In school, the boys and girls in primary 5-7 have received Jesus’s body in communion – the Eucharist, however, it is important for us all to receive Jesus into our hearts.  We can all do this when we show love and kindness towards others. Perhaps today you could try to show kindness to the people in your family. It could be something simple like helping to tidy your room, help to do the dishes or make a cup of tea.  Think of something that will make someone happy.

Have a great day boys and girls, take care and remember to be kind. 😊💕🙏

Health and Wellbeing Week

Good morning boys and girls!


Just a reminder that it’s health and wellbeing week this week.  Please continue to work from the grid this week.  The grid is in Monday’s post if you have still to access it.  In addition to this, RE is being uploaded every day too.

Keep working hard boys and girls 🤩

Health and Wellbeing Week Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June

Good Morning everyone and welcome to a new and exciting week!

This is a busy week as we have nominated Wednesday 17th June to be our first ever…

‘Welcome Wednesday!’

On Wednesday we will launch a new webpage dedicated to the  Primary 1 children who will be joining us in August. Normally we would have undertaken a range of activities in school with the children and their parents but this year we have created a series of video messages and powerpoints to welcome our new families. Make sure that you have a look on Wednesday as the current Primary 1 and Primary 6 children have been really very busy!

Health and Wellbeing

This week is Health and Wellbeing Week and there will be lots of activities for the children to enjoy both indoors and out.

Normally in June, we celebrate Health Week and we take part in lots of different activities. It is important that we keep our minds focused and positive during these difficult times and two great ways of doing that are by exercising and eating healthily.

This week I would like you to complete activities from the Keeping Healthy grid at the bottom of this page.  On this grid you will find a range of activities for the Shanarri Indicators: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  As well as HWB activities that you will be working on this week, I would like you to complete the RE activities which will be uploaded daily.

I would also like you to keep a record of the exercise that you complete (exercise logs below).  It’s recommended that children between the ages of 5-17 complete at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. There are different ways of exercising. You might go walking, running, play football, dance, play outdoor games or do some yoga. These are just some of the ways in which you can complete your daily exercise and stay active. I am sure you can think of lots more or take some ideas from the Keeping Healthy grid below.

Another way to help keep us feeling positive is to eat healthily. Why is it important to eat healthily? Imagine your body was a fancy sports car. What kind of petrol would you put in it? Would you give it the best petrol you could buy or whatever you could find? Your body is like a sports car. When you give your body healthy food every day, you have lots of energy. Your body also grows and becomes strong. If you give your body unhealthy food, it won’t work as well.
You might have less energy or get sick more often.

But how do we know what foods are healthy and what foods are not? Well, a healthy eating guide for the UK was developed. It is called the Eatwell Guide and can be found below.  You can use this Eatwell Guide when completing healthy tasks from the Keeping Healthy grid below.  Please find below other tasks you may need from the grid too.

Keeping Healthy Grid

Exercise Log


UNCRC Articles

Have a fun filled week boys and girls and I hope you enjoy all the tasks on the grid.  Please remember we want to see your pictures!  If you can please tweet us @St_BarbarasPS or send pictures to your teacher’s glow account.





R.E. 15/06/2020

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you have all had a great weekend and are ready to learn some new things and enjoy some interesting activities.

Let’s start today as usual with our morning prayer.

See the source imageGod Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together at school.  St Barbara Pray for us.🙏

See the source image

As you know, June is the month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This is when we should focus on praying to and honouring The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and try to understand his eternal love for us.

Hundreds of years ago a nun called Margaret Mary had a vision in which she saw Jesus – this is  known as The Great Apparition.  She received twelve promises from Jesus for those who honour His Sacred Heart. Some of these promises are that Jesus will give devotees comfort, peace, holiness, and “all the graces necessary for their state in life.” In addition, Jesus  promised that He would “bless every place where an image of his heart is exposed and honoured’.

See the source imageThe Sacred Heart of Jesus is shown as a bright red human heart with flames and a halo of light. The heart is pierced and bleeding, referring to the manner of Jesus’ death on the cross.  The heart is surrounded by a crown of thorns, symbolizing his passion. Above the heart is a cross, representing us being saved from sin. The heart is aflame, signifying purification. The whole symbol shines with rays of light, showing the holiness of the Lord.

Here is a very powerful prayer – called a novena – to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  You should try to learn it and say the prayer whenever you need to.

 Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
 O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of…..(here name your request)

Now say an Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father….Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

This prayer will bring you closer to Jesus and his generous love.

See the source image

Boys and girls here is a link to a website which will show you how to make a Sacred Heart medal all by yourselves.


Finally, here is a picture for you to colour.  If you cant print the picture then try to copy it.  When you have finished it, put it on a wall in your house.

See the source imageI hope you have a great day boys and girls.






Class Champions NLC Contest June 2020

⭐️Primary 1a – Luca                            ⭐️Primary 1b – Ailbhe               ⭐️Primary 2 – Harris

⭐️Primary 3 – Ryan                             ⭐️Primary 4/3 – Jenna               ⭐️Primary 5/4 – Amelie

⭐️Primary 5 – Rachael                         ⭐️Primary 6 – Dylan                  ⭐️Primary 7 – Ava Y

A massive congratulations to all of our pupils who answered all 1000 questions in the contest:

Luca B, Ailbhe, Aaron, Harris, Miley, Ryan, Jenna, Amelie G, Matei, Ronan, Layla, Rory, Amelie K, Charlie M, Freya, Rachael, Hollie, Natasha, Ethan Y, Preet, Aila, Ashton, Rachel, Dylan, Safeia, Nathan, Rebecca , Harris, Olivia C, Niall, Shay, Ava Y, Flynn and Ben.

Amazing effort boys and girls👏👏👏

Over the course of the 7 days of the competition with 5694 students and 539 classes playing we achieved:-

⭐️⭐️4 classes in the Top 100⭐️⭐️

    • Primary 4/3
    • Primary 5/4
    • Primary 5
    • Primary 6

⭐️⭐️6 Students in the Top 100⭐️⭐️

    • Luca – Primary 1a
    • Amelie G – Primary 4/3
    • Jenna – Primary 4/3
    • Rachael – Primary 5
    • Dylan – Primary 6
    • Safeia – Primary 6

A huge well done to everyone⭐️⭐️👏👏

Attached are the Class Champion Certificates!!

Sumdog-Maths-Challenge- June 2020


Good morning boys and girls ,

I hope you are all up, have had breakfast and are ready to continue with your weekly activities.


Close your eyes, join your hands and let us begin the day with our morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together.

During the month of May we honoured Our Lady. We created a special altar, said decades of the rosary and completed lots of different activities that reminded us how important Our Lady is.

The month of June is the month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The heart is seen as the essence of a person.  Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is devotion to Jesus Christ Himself. Next week (19th June) we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this always takes place 19 days after Pentecost.

Throughout the Gospel, we experience the outpouring of Jesus’ love from His heart. We experience this love from the miracle stories, His forgiveness of sinners and His compassion for those who are suffering. Kind and caring are two words that come to mind when I think of Jesus, can you think of more words that can be used to describe Him?

Look closely at the image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. What do you notice about His heart? Why do you think this is? What does it symbolise? Think of the things that happened in Jesus’ life to help you understand why Jesus’ heart is shown like this.

Do you have an image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home?

Task 1

  • Use the image of The Sacred Heart that has been included or find an image from the internet and use it as a stimulus to create your own picture of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. When you have finished your drawing, display it proudly in your home. This can be a special place for you to pray to The Sacred Heart of Jesus over the course of this month.
  • I have also attached an image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus that you can choose to colour if drawing the image is too tricky.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus colouring page

We say a special devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Try saying this special prayer every day during the rest of June.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.

Task 2

Get a piece of paper, fold it in half and cut half a heart shape. Younger pupils may need some help from an adult for this. When it is open a full heart shape will be visible. Decorate the paper and then stick it on top of another sheet of paper. You should then have a blank heart shape on your paper. Write the special devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the centre of your heart.

Decorate this and email it to your teacher or, with permission, upload it onto TWITTER.

Weekly STEM Activities

Babcock LDP - Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

This is your last day to enjoy all of the STEM activities.  So, on you go, try a different STARTER, MAIN AND DESSERT OR EXTRA

from the MENU below.

Enjoy and have fun and don’t forget to email your work to your teacher or, with permission, upload it onto TWITTER.  We have loved seeing all of your creative minds at work during this week.

My menu | Snoopy, Snoopy love, Snoopy and woodstock

STEM Starters

STEM Starters

STEM Mains


The Morse Code alphabet is difficult to see in the challenge…here is an easy-to-read version for you!

morse code | Sample Morse Code Alphabet Chart - 8+ Free Documents ...

STEM Desserts



STEM Extras

Science - Mrs. Lopez


Health and Wellbeing

Please select activities from this grid for today.


Finally, you can choose an activity from the home-learning grids… and then relax and have a little Golden Time!

Have a fantastic Friday boys and girls and a wonderful weekend!!


R.E – Wednesday 10th June

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Today you will be learning about The Pope. Have a look at the powerpoint below.

Who is The Pope

Every pope has three main jobs:

  • He teaches us by writing and preaching about Jesus.
  • He governs, or leads, us with the power handed down to him from St. Peter.
  • He sanctifies us, or helps make us holy, through prayer and the sacraments.

Although The Pope has just three primary jobs, he has many names, or titles. Fill in the missing vowels to find just five of his many titles. (Use the powerpoint to help you.)

To show that the pope is the spiritual father of all Catholics, he is called the

H____LY     F____TH____R.

To show that he is the head of a very special diocese, he is called the

B____SH____P       ____F       R____M____.

To show that he represents Jesus on earth, he is called the

V____C____R   ____F     J____S____S   CHR____ST.

To show that he is the head of the Church, he is called the

S___PR____M___       P____NT____FF.

To show that he is carrying out Jesus’ command to help others, he is called the

S____RV____NT       ____F     TH____       S____RV____NTS     ____F

Here is a picture for you to colour in.

Extension Activity

You are going to research our current Pope. You must include the following:

  • The Pope’s real name and reason for their chosen name as Pope.
  • Their date and place of birth
  • When they began their papacy
  • 5 interesting facts about them

Please send your work to gw14waughamanda@glow.sch.uk or tweet us @St_BarbarasPS

Have a great day!

Message from the Executive Director: Schools’ Update

Dear Parent,

Please find a schools’ update below. We will issue specific information in respect of St. Barbara’s to you later this month.

Schools update – 8 June 2020

We’re working on plans to make schools as safe as possible for our children and young people when they return in August. Take a look at this video so you know the principles that we are working to.

Understandably you will have lots of other questions on issues that we’re still working on. Please bear with us and we will make more announcements as soon as we can.

Letter to parents – 8 June 2020 

Letter to parents - 8 June 2020 - page 1

Letter to parents - 8 June 2020 - page 2

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