Primary 1a Friday 24th April

Good morning Primary 1 and happy Friday!!😁 What a beautiful day it is again.🌞Let’s begin by saying our morning prayer and an Our Father and thanking God for our beautiful world in Spring.


Please practise writing out each initial sound/phoneme as you sing along to our Jolly Phonics songs.  You could use a whiteboard or write them into your jotter, just one time for each sound.

Revise the wh phoneme in the same way that you did on Wednesday.
When, what, whip, whisk, whisper any other wh words that you would like to try.

Common words – Practise reading all of your common words from your word box.  Can you read the three new words? Well done!  Today I would like you to do some rainbow spelling 🌈 Choose 3 colours and write each word with each colour, like this..

If you would prefer, you could use chalk and write them outside.

Dictated sentences – ask your child to try to write one of these sentences into their jotter, read a word at a time slowly for your child to write down. Boys and girls remember out little song đŸŽ¶Capital letter at the start, full stop at the end, finger spaces in between and show it to a friendđŸŽ¶Choose the sentence which best suits your child.

1. I went out to play.

2. What will I do now?

3.I got a new toy.

Reading – Choose your favourite story from home and ask someone in your family to read it to you.  Try read the common words that you can from it.  Make a list of any of your common words in the story.


Can you tell someone in your family the days of the week? How many days are in a week?

Can you rhyme the months of the year? How many months are in a year?

Can you write down 3 different ways to make 10?


Health & Wellbeing

During this time at home we might be feeling lots of different emotions. Sometimes we might feel happy to be with our families, sometimes we might feel sad when someone does something we don’t like, sometimes we might feel afraid because everything is different.  It’s ok to feel all of these things.  Can you draw the faces showing how these people feel and talk to someone in your family about how you are feeling today?

Remember that these are only ideas and we know that you may not be able to do them all, everyone has different circumstances.  Do what you can do, that’s all that we ask.  I hope that you have found some of the tasks useful.  If I can help in any way please contact me:

I hope that you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and manage to spend some time in your gardens or go for a walk, cycle or scoot!


Take care,

Mrs MacLeod 😁

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good Morning Primary 3,

Can you believe it is Thursday already?  What a quick week it has been. I know you have all been working extremely hard and I have been very impressed looking at all the examples of your work. Keep them coming!

Remember to start your day with a prayer and to thank God for keeping us safe and well at this time.

Click the links below to access some literacy and numeracy work for today.

Literacy Thursday

Numeracy Lesson Thursday

Rounding PowerPoint

Rounding Activity

Rounding Challenge Activity

As it has been a very busy week you should try to relax with some cosmic yoga.

You could also keep yourself active by trying out the avengers fitness video. We always have great fun doing this is class.

Take plenty of breaks and do not worry if you cannot manage all of the tasks in one day.

If you feel like taking on a challenge, take a look at your home learning grid and choose a task to try.

Have a lovely day!

Miss McMullen x

Primary 6 – Thursday 23rd April

Good Morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s questions.

1.a) 50  b) 80  c) 20  d) 80

e) 150  f) 180  g) 220  h) 420

i) 70  j) 200 k) 200  l) 890

2. 140 pupils

3. 430 miles

4. 200 cm.

5. ÂŁ480

Today we will be rounding to the nearest hundred.

The rule is:- If the number ends in less than 50 round down

Examples:- 324 rounds down to 300,  848 rounds down to 800,

1236 rounds down to 1200,  2847 rounds down to 2800

If the number ends in 50 or more round up

Examples :- 651 rounds up to 700,  765 rounds up to 800,

971 rounds up to 1000,  150 rounds up to 200

1.Round these numbers to the nearest hundred

a) 646  b) 482  c)219  d) 784

e) 3146  f) 681  g) 279  h) 2424

i) 865  j) 995  k) 283  l) 2888

2.There were 137 pupils at the school dance. Round this to the nearest hundred.

3.It is 432 miles from my home to my secret submarine. Round this to the nearest hundred miles.

4.My bed is 196cm long. Round this to the nearest hundred cm.

5. After a lottery win was shared out each winner received ÂŁ476. Round this to the nearest hundred pounds.

Write your answers in your jotter and I’ll post them tomorrow. You can also send them to me at

There are more questions like this in your Sumdog challenge this week and in your Studyladder learning pod.

Here is Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 12 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Hiccup has gone to speak to The Green Death on his own.

Imagine that you are The Green Death retell the events of the conversation between yourself and Hiccup. Try to write it in the style that we used when writing about being inside The Trojan Horse.

Think about how giant and ancient The Green Death is. Hiccup is no threat to you but something happens in the conversation that makes you take him seriously. Try to describe what is going on inside The Green Death’s mind as you talk together.


In case you missed it we have some new reading materials for you to work on. Your parents should have received a username and password for Scholastic Books. Follow this link,

to find a new reading book and quiz for you to complete in your jotter.


Remember Monday’s pack of cards workout? Why not try it again today but this time choose your own exercises for each suit.





It’s 10 minutes on the timer and you must do the exercise the number of times on the card. Aces are 1, other face cards are 13.

Today is St. George’s Day. There are many stories associated with St. George but the most famous one concerns a dragon. Find out what happened and retell the story in your own words. St George is the patron saint of England, can you discover why?


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 4/3 – Thursday 23 April 2020

Good morning boys and girls!  🌈

Let’s begin our day with your morning prayer.  Say a Hail Mary and Our Father, remembering all the people that are sick in hospital.

I have set you some Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well-being tasks to try throughout the day.  Remember you can do them in any order and try your best to do as much as you can.


Let’s begin with a little challenge.  Remember our blue jotters from class.  You can use your home learning jotter for this.  Write the word:-


See how many words you can make from it.  Remember our rules:  each word must have 2 or more letters, no proper nouns and you can only use the letters from the word.  Off you go!!  How many words did you make?  What was your longest word?

Follow this link for your task.  Literacy Task


Continue to practise your 3,4,5 and 6 times table.  Have you played stepping stones?  Let’s start with the 3 times table.  Lay out numbers from 0-12 on the floor or in the garden (if it’s not too windy), then as you step on the number you multiply it by 3 in your head and call out the answer, move to the next number and repeat, all the way to the last number.  Now do the four times table.  Time yourself and make a grid in your jotter to keep a record of your progress.  How quickly can you do it?

Challenge yourself – jumble up the numbers on the ground so that they are not in order, it’s more tricky.

I have also set a challenge on Sumdog.  It will start today and finish tomorrow.  Good luck!

Health and Well-being

Follow this link for a new little challenge to keep you active today.  HWB

Boys and girls I hope you have a lovely day and that this nice dry weather keeps up.  Remember to drink plenty of water and to have your breaks throughout the day.  Be good and remember to help around the house.  If you need extra work remember you have your grid!!   Please send me in some pictures of your work to my email address or SBoyce@st– or you can get an adult to post them on Twitter.

Take care.

Mrs Boyce x 🌈

Primry 5/4 – Thursday 23rd April

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Thank you to all the parents who emailed me and sent pictures. It is great to see your smiling faces.

Yesterday I had lots of fun playing in the garden with my little girl. Hopefully by this afternoon the sun will be out and you can get out to play for a while.

I have attached a powerpoint with the activities for today. Please complete what you can.


Have  great day!

Mrs McGill

Primary 1b- Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone😁

I hope you are still safe and well!

I hope you enjoyed completing some tasks from yesterday. How many ‘wh’ words did you manage to guess correctly? I am sure it was lots. Let me know your score by posting a little comment on our blog below.✉

What day is it today? Perhaps you could begin your day by singing our days of the week song to remind you.

Here is today’s overview:


Below I will include any additional information that will help to support your child with the tasks that I have assigned for today.



Remember to include your core writing targets when you are writing about your Easter break. I would love to read your stories so please take a picture and send it to me by email if you can.


I have signed up to Epic! A fabulous digital library for kids to access thousands of amazing books online. It is a wonderful resource with books, learning quizzes and lots more. If you would like access all you have to do is:

  1. Visit
  2. Click log in.
  3. Click students and educators
  4.  Then enter our class code: zhj1841

If you would prefer you can also download the Epic app. The app only allows you to log in during school hours 9-3 so if you try to do this after these hours, it will not work.

it is free and will allow your child to access as many amazing books as they want!


Subitising with Jack Hartmann🧠

Mental Maths Challenge- Daily 10 ⏱

Number word task 💭

Challenge Task đŸŒ¶

R.E. đŸ™đŸ»

St. George’s Day

Listen to the story of Saint George and the Dragon

Watch this video clip from CBeebies to find out how people in England celebrate this special day.

Remember to take plenty of breaks and just try your best!

Have a lovely day everyone!

Miss McEleney đŸŒˆđŸ˜ŠâŁïž


Primary 2- Thursday 23rd April

Good morning boys and girls,

Another day closer to the weekend, only 2 more days to go. You have got this!

Here is today’s tasks- Thursday 23rd April

I have really enjoyed seeing all the great work you have been doing so please keep sending it in via email or twitter. It is so lovely to get to see all your lovely smiles, it really brightens up my day 🙂

Remember not to worry if you don’t manage to complete all suggested tasks each day, just try your best and take regular breaks throughout the day.

I hope you all have a great day learning.

Miss Shreenan x

Thursday 23rd April- Primary 7

Good morning my super sevens 🌟,

How are you all? I hope you are all working hard and helping your parents out at home.

As always, let’s begin the day with our morning prayer. đŸ™đŸ»

To get our brains switched on this morning I thought we could begin with a few fun riddles:

  1. What is full of holes but still holds water?
  2. What becomes wetter the more it dries?
  3. What belongs to you but others use it more than you?
  4. What goes up but never comes down?
  5. What kind of coat can only be put on when wet?

These should get your brains working today and I will post the answers tomorrow morning. I had good fun trying to work them out, you all know how much I love riddles. Good luck!

Here is the link to today’s learning activities:

Thursday-23rd-April (1)

Remember you do not have to complete every activity, just try your best that is all I ask for.

Have a good day and remember how fantastic you are!

Mrs Butler âŁïž

Primary 5 23rd April 2020

Good morning to all our fabulous fives!

Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, As we begin our days work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

St Barbara, Pray for us.

Please say a Hail Mary for all those who are sick

Let’s wake ourselves up and start our day with a Joe Wick’s workout.


Here is an eggcellent way to revise your knowledge of times tables. Make your very own ‘Egg Carton Shake Up’ game and compete against a family member.

For numeracy today let’s practise some real life application of place value. You will be changing money, lengths and weights into their decimal forms. Watch the video lessons carefully, try to answer the examples given in the clip. Finish by checking how well you did. You can choose to complete the Bronze or Silver level; or you can have a go at both. I would recommend wearing earphones as you listen, it might help you to focus fully.


Authors_Live (3)

Last term in class we watched Cressida Cowell on Authors Live. It was a very interesting show as it gave us an insight into where she gets her ideas and how she goes about writing her amazing stories. The link above will take you to a Power Point with a variety of Authors Live activities. There are five different authors to choose from. You should select a slide and copy and paste the link into your URL. This will take you to some amazing events with real life authors. Try to complete suggested activities linked to your chosen event.

Revise your knowledge and understanding of similes and metaphors by watching the BBC Bitesize lesson below:

If you have time today you might choose an activity form your new Learning Grid.

Have a lovely day boys and girls. Try to enjoy some time outdoors; we are very lucky that the sun is shining. Try hard to help around the house, your parents are extremely  busy and would appreciate your helping hands.

A huge well done to Keiran New for making a very cosy reading den in which to enjoy his new David Walliams book. I hear that you are a big brother Keiran. I know that you will be an amazing brother! Congratulations!

Mrs Haughey x





Primary 1a Thursday 23rd April

Good morning girls and boys!😁 I hope you have been having fun with your home learning. Please begin today with your morning prayer and say a special ‘Hail Mary’ for all the people who are sick in our world and for those caring for them.

Literacy – Writing
Today is Thursday and would usually be your writing day so I’d love for you to write me a little story telling me about your Easter weekend. Please send them to me if you can.  I would like you to include:

When? When did your story happen?
During my Easter weekend/On Easter Sunday/ On the 12th of April

Where? Where were you?
In my back garden/ In my house/ Out for my daily walk

What happened? Did the Easter Bunny leave you some eggs? Did you have an Easter egg hunt? Did you go for a walk, cycle or on your scooter?

How did you feel? I felt excited/I felt amazed/I felt over the moon

Reading – Practise reading the book that you chose yesterday to someone in your family.


Let’s look at our number bonds to 10.

Practise writing them into your jotter.













Today is St George’s Day, St George is the Patron St of England. Here is a little story of St George and the dragon. Perhaps you can draw a little picture of St George and the dragon for me?

Here is an extra idea for you if you find the time (or you could work on it for next Thursday), can you make your own musical instrument to play and cheer for the NHS?

Hope you have a great day and remember to enjoy the sunshine, try to do some exercise outside 🌞

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Mrs MacLeod x

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