All parents/carers of children in our school are automatically members of the Parent Forum.
The Parent Forum is composed of all the parents and carers of children at the school.
As a member of the Parent Forum you can expect to:
- get information about what your child is learning
- get information about events and activities at the school
- get advice/help on how you can support your child’s learning
- be told about opportunities to be involved in the school
- have a say in selecting a Parent Council to work on behalf of all parents at the school
- be invited to identify issues for the Parent Council to work on with the school.
I think it would be a great help for parents and grandparents if the school had a breakfast club. I know other schools have them and they are invaluable.
many thanks- Maureen O’Neill ( gran of Aidan & Michael)
The Parish provides an excellent Breakfast club for children every morning. Please contact Parish for details. Please note they are always looking for volunteer helpers.
Hi Mrs docherty, thanks very much for the reply and organising breakfast club. Hi Kathleen, yes thank goodness it’s back on we really appreciate that very much. Boys enjoy it.
thanks again, Maureen O’Neill
Hi Maureen ,You have no need to thank me. Father Kane, Kathleen and the other parent helpers have shown a great commitment to continuing with the Breakfast Club while all the hall renovations are taking place. I am delighted that the club remains running as I know so many parents rely upon it on a weekly and even daily basis.