Halloween Parade

The school community was astounded to see so many of our parents and grandparents at our Pr.1 – 3 Halloween Parade.  Unfortunately I don’t have possession of the pictures of the day at this time.  As soon as I have them we will post a picture gallery of the event.  Many thanks to everyone who bought raffle tickets or made a donation to school funds.  Your contribution enabled us to add over £400 to school funds which will benefit all  children.  Many thanks for your great generosity.

Halloween Disco

The boys and girls of the school enjoyed a fantastic night at our Halloween disco. Many thanks to our wonderful PTA  for all their great work behind the scenes to get everything organised for the night.  The children , staff and school community  really appreciate the great support of our PTA.  Here is our picture gallery of the night.





A special visitor to the school

In Room 6, the Primary 3/2 children were very lucky to receive a visit from a parent expert who gave a wonderful  presentation to the pupils  on Town Planning as part of their class IDL theme on “My Town Coatbridge”.   A big thank you to Mr Ward for sharing his knowledge and expertise! This has made learning much more enjoyable and meaningful for the pupils.   Room 6 will be visiting Summerlee Heritage Centre in November for a workshop based around this theme alongside pupils from Room 7, 8 and 9.  This will be a great opportunity to get outdoors into our local area and put learning into a real-life context.


Pope Francis Faith Award

The school and parish were delighted to see such a great turn out of Pr.6 pupils and parents for the enrolment Mass last night.  It was truly wonderful to see so many of our children committed to their faith and prepared to become involved in the award and to put their faith into action.  We look forward to a very exciting time for our Pope Francis Faith Award candidates.

How beautiful it would be if each of you, every evening, could say: “Today at school, at home, at work, guided by God, I showed a sign of love towards one of my friends, my parents, an older person!”

(Pope Francis, addressing young people, April 2013)

Faith logosmall_cropped tiny

The week Ahead

The week ahead is a very busy one with many events taking place during school time and also after so.  On Tuesday evening our Pr.6 pupils and parents are invited to attend the enrolement Mass for the Pope Francis Fait Award.  The Mass will take place at  7.00pm at St.Augustine’s Church.  The school is delighted to be part of this Award and look forward to supporting our Pr.6 pupils to learn, reflect and act upon their faith in their day to day life.  We look forward to the rle they will play within the school and parish in the next two years.  On Wednesday evening our Parent Council meets at 6.00pm and our PTA meets at 7.15pm.  Both committees are always looking to welcome new members and would be delighted to see new faces.  On Thursday evening the school has a Halloween disco for all pupils.  This event has been organised by our wonderful PTA who would be delighted to hear from any parents who would be willing to provide support on the night. Cost of disco is £2.00 and includes a drink and crisps.  A tuckshop will also be available on the night.

Pr.1 – 4 – 6.00 – 7.15pm

Pr.5 – 7 – 7.30 – 9.00pm

On Friday we have a Halloween Parade for Pr.1 – 3 at 11.00am in the school hall.  Parents and grandparents will be entertained with a variety of song and poetry.  In the afternoon it is the time for the whole school to get together for a whole school parade.  So please get organised for our Halloween festivities on Thursday and Friday.  We look forward to seeing you throughout the school week.



Well done to our footballers!!!

A huge well done is expressed to our football team who played superbly against Carnbroe Primary at St.Ambrose today.  Unfortunately they were narrowly defeated after an exciting game.  The final score was 4-3 and were extremely unlucky not to get a draw in the end.  A huge thank you to Mrs.Redmond for taking on the responsibility of managing our school team.  The boys were outstanding representatives of the school and we wish them continued success in their future fixtures.  Well done boys!images

Term 2 Newsletter

Our newsletter will be issued today with lots of dates to put in your diary for the term ahead so please remember to check school bags.  The newletter can also be found by clicking on our drop down menu titled school information and then  clicking on newsletters.  Our term ahead is action packed with Halloween discos, Halloween Parades, Christmas Fayre, Enterprise Fortnight, Talent Show, St.Andrew’s Day Celebrations and a full schedule of events and activities before Christmas. So please get everything noted down and make any necessary arrangements so that you are able to join the community life of the school.

Welcome Back

The start of a very busy term lies ahead and we look forward to working partnership with all stakeholders this term.  Our newsletter will be published this week for the term ahead and will include a whole host of dates for your diary so that you can plan in advance to support and attend the many events that will take place this term.  We look forward to your continued support of all the work that takes place here at St.Augustine’s.  Please note that our Halloween Disco (Thurs. 29th Oct) and Halloween Parade (Frid. 30th Oct.) are fast approaching so please get those costumes organised.  Everyone is asked to be in costume for a spooktacular day of festivities!!!

Mid Term Break

The school would like to extend it’s thanks for all your wonderful support from the start of this school session.  Our community of faith and learning is one to be proud of and we greatly value the support of our parents and grandparents who contribute so much to our school community.  We hope you enjoy your holiday over the week ahead and we look forward to seeing you all on the 19th October and to the beginning of what will surely be an extremely busy term.

Room 10 News

This term Room 10 have been learning all about Global Citizenship and the Rights of the Child. They have shown a great interest in this topic and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about people all over the world. On Friday, the boy and girls worked cooperatively to create a news report all about children’s rights. They each came up with lots of amazing, creative ideas and even had an appearance from Barack Obama!

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