George our Lollipop Man

This morning we had a special assembly to express our good wishes and to say a fond farewell to George, our Lollipop Man, who has served the school for 11 years.  We are sad to say goodbye and thank him for

his excellent support and care for all the boys and girls at St. Augustine’s Primary.  Several classes entertained George with a few Christmas Carols and George duly obliged by presenting awards to the children who received Highly Commended Awards for their entries to the Road Safety Calendar Competition.


High School Links

Our recent partnership work with St.Ambrose High School resulted in presents being purchased for the Syrian families and their children who have recently moved to North Lanarkshire.  Thanks to the generosity of our children during our recent Silver for Syria campaign we were able to give £200 towards the purchase of toys for the children at a party hosted by St.Ambrose.  Mrs. Marcucilli, Principal Teacher of Pupil Support, reported that the children were overwhelmed and so excited to see Santa and gave him a great big hug!  Here is a picture gallery of the Caritas candidate helping with the wrapping process and the party.


Santa’s Workshop

Primary 1 pupils have been extremely busy this week helping Santa  in his workshop.  Using their maths skills they have been busy wrapping presents from the workshop and has involved working co-operatively with each other.  They used navigational skills in technology directing the Bee Bot to the penguins in the North Pole.   In Literacy they have written lots of exciting Christmas sentences using their winter and Christmas word mat..  They are now beginning to use joining words to make their sentences more exciting and interesting.  They wrote invitations to the classmates inviting them to the Christmas Party.  After Christmas the very clever bunch in Pr.1 aim to plan their own winter Science investigations and will record their findings in their big evidence books.  They also look forward to learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  A busy time ahead for Pr.1.  Well done boys and girls.  Here is a picture gallery of the exciting work taking place in Pr.1.


Party Time

Thursday is party time for the pupils of Pr. 4 and 5 with the party getting off to a flying start at 1.00pm.  Our Pr. 6 and 7 party takes place on Friday afternoon.  Pr. 1, 2 and 3 Christmas party takes place on Monday. Please check our blog for pictures of the parties.

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