Art & Design Afterschool Club

Miss Ross’ afterschool club looks like a club that requires a great deal of concentration going by the expressions on the faces of the Pr.7 pupils who attend.  The group have completed the first step of their investigations with lots to develop at their next session.  Just have a week peek to see how things are coming along just now.  We can’t wait to see the finished products!!!

Pr.7 High School Visit

Just  a reminder that all Pr.7 parents are invited to an information evening at St.Ambrose tomorrow evening7.00- 8.00pm.  The evening will give all parents the opportunity to hear about how Pr.7 pupils are supported trough the transition process and what kind of educational experience they can expect at St.Ambrose when their child starts inAugust.

Committee News


The P1-3 Eco Committee had their first meeting of the new year on Friday. Cara, the Chairperson, took us through our agenda.
She firstly reminded us of our 2 new targets Biodiversity and Water. All other targets are on-going ( litter, Health, Waste Energy and School Grounds).
Here are some up and coming events and activities for our new targets.
Water –
Classroom lessons will take place to help children understand the importance of water in our daily lives.
Science Centre visits have been organised for the theme of water.
Science investigations on the theme of water will take place within classrooms where the pupils will be involved in planning, recording, reporting back and making conclusions.
World Water Day will be celebrated in our school – 22nd March 2016.

Biodiversity –
Garden Day – following our previous years very successful event we are again going to start of our school grounds/garden with an exciting garden day. Date – beginning March/more information to follow. We have always been so fortunate to have a team of volunteers to help us on this day and will again be grateful if you could give a couple of hours to help us with our garden work. Please contact school when our date is confirmed.
Garden Club- Mrs Chisholm will run her very popular garden club afterschool on Wednesdays for P1-3. This will start the week after Garden Day, early March. Date to follow. Children will receive a letter about club. Please return quickly if your child is interested.


The school community congratulates Father Michael Kane on his appointment as Parish Priest of St.Augustine’s Parish.  He has carried out a remarkable  job since he came to the parish and we are very forunate that he will remain here to carry on his good work leading our community of faith.  He becomes only the eighth Parish Priest in St.Augustine’s 124 year history.



Catholic Education Week

Well done to the boys and girls of Primary 7 who took an active role during services this weekend as we launched the beginning of Catholic Education Week.  Tomorrow children will come home with an information booklet that informs you of the work of St.Augustine’s Primary as we develop Catholic Gospel Values and encourage our children to put their faith into action.


Room 10 and the Vikings

Room 10 have been enjoying their new topic, the Vikings, this week. They have lots of questions about the Vikings and are very eager to learn lots about life as a raider! The boys and girls learned that the Vikings travelled from Scandinavia on a longship, which inspired them to work together to create their own. Room 10 can’t wait to show off the finished longship, and share all their learning.

Paired Reading

Our Paired Reading Programme began on Tuesday afternoon and involves Pr.7 pupils taking on a leadership role through working with and supporting the progress of our Pr.1 pupils and their literacy skills.   Primary 7 pupils trained by Miss Ross and Mrs Chisholm had been waiting patiently to put their new skills into practice prior to the first session.  Both Miss Ross and Mrs Chisholm reported that they  were an absolute delight when they came down to visit the infant department. They were all extremely motivated and enthusiastic and spent time getting to know their reading buddies before getting down to the real business of reading and sharing good practice.  Pr.7 pupils took their role as mentor very seriously and Pr.1 pupils can’t wait until they return next week.   Well Done Pr7 !!!  Now we aim to extend the programme to our Pr.6 pupils who will aid our Pr.2 pupils.

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