Farewell Burtterflies

Primary 1 have made a magnificent job of caring for and learning about their butterflies. They followed the journey/life cycle of a butterfly beginning with tiny little caterpillars, then growing fat and making cocoons and finally emerging as beautiful butterlies.
Throughout their learning the children recorded all the changes with photographs, drawings and excellent sentences.
The children understood how important it was to play their part in nature by caring for living things. Today was exciting and a little bit sad as we released the butterflies into our garden. We will be looking out for them coming back and visiting our lovely school garden.  Mrs. Chisholm

Pr. 1- 3 Garden Club

What a lovely day everyone had for the first garden club of the year!
The children used their first day to familiarise themselves with where we are now with the garden.
They looked at what is currently growing in our greenhouse.
They investigated the new compost bin and discussed how our school could use it.
They also had a look around the shed and learned about tool safety.
Finally the children watered the plants and had a go using a garden tool.
The children will now help with future plans for our garden.
A great time had by all!

Some visitors to Room 1 and 2

Today Primary 1 pupils had a special visit from Pets at Home Coatbridge store.  They brought some very special guests with them including a rabbit and two baby guinea pigs.  They told the children how to look after the animals and gave important tips about diet and exercise.  The children got to hold the animals and they were very friendly, soft and fluffy.  This term the boys and girls are going to learn about Pets and this visit is an ideal oportunity to begin this learning  journey.  Pets at Home are celebrating their 25th birthday so the children even got to have a birthday party for the animals.  Pets at Home brought along party hats, colouring sheets and magazines for the children to find out more about looking after pets.  The boys and girls had a lovely mornng and thank you Pets at Home for your support.

School Grounds Development

Thanks to the wonderful fundraising efforts of our PTA the school can look forward to  the addition of playground markings to assist with play activities for the children at break time.  Last term children wrote persuasive letters requesting changes to the playground and they had lots of great ideas. Below is a picture of the playground before any changes.  Tomorrow we will post a few pictures that reveal what markings are in place and the impact they are having on play at break times.

Welcome Back

It is wonderful to welcome everyone back to school for the start of the final school term of 2015/2016.  Children are now fully aware that this is the term to prove that they are ready for the challenges that lie ahead as they prepare for a move to a new stage in August.  Please check your child’s school bag tomorrow as this terms newsletter will be issued detailing planned school events for the term ahead with lots of dates to put in your diary.

Happy Holidays

Another school term has come to an end!!  Our fingers are crossed that the weather looks kindly upon us over the next two weeks and provides everyone with the chance to get out in the great outdoors.  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 18th April at 9 o’clock.


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