Rugby Training

Rugby coaches from Drumpellier Waysiders have been visiting the school over the last few weeks to provide rugby training to our Pr.6 and 7 pupils.  Rugby training is available at Drumpellier Cricket and Rugby Club on a thursday evening and a Sunday from 12.00. Next Sunday training day is 5th June.

The Big Lorry

During our Health Week last week we had a number of visitors not least a visit from a monster truck that focused upon child safety around large vehicles.  The children learned a great deal about blind spots and how these large vehicles maneouvre around corners. A very worthwhile and education visit.

Room 8 News

As part of our Health Week Room 8 were busy making fresh fruit kebabs.  In the afternoon they visited the ICT suite to link their learning in Health  and Wellbeing as they used an ICT programme called Splosh to paint their own kebabs.  The kebabs look absolutely delicious!

Room 6 News

Room 6 have been taking their learning outdoors. They planted sunflowers as part of a mini IDL theme and they are now following their progress in the school’s greenhouse.

As well as this, they visited the kitchen area during Health Week to make pizzas with a variety of vegetable toppings. They learned about washing hands, food hygiene, preparation, blanced diet and the activity also linked in with their maths work as they were able to cut them into fractions. Lots of fun learning!

Chick News

Room 10 have some amazing news to share! When the boys and girls arrived at school this morning, two tiny chicks had hatched. A boy and a girl, called Kaka and Dougal. We are able to identify the gender of the chicks because the boys have yellow feathers, and the girls have brown feathers. Everyone was over the moon and so excited!! Children from across the school came to visit our two new additions. Later on in the day, Room 10
boys and girls witnessed something incredible, as two more eggs hatched right in front of their eyes!! Another boy and girl, called Augustine and Pipper. Kaka and Dougal have now fluffed up and are enjoying living in their brooder box, Pipper and Augustine will join them tomorrow morning. The boys and girls have also began caring for our new arrivals by making sure they have plenty of water to drink. They do not need fed within the first day of being hatched, as they are using up all the nutrients and vitamins from the egg yolk. The whole school is absolutely delighted with the new arrivals, and we can’t wait to meet the rest of the chicks!!


A huge big thank you to the Parent Council and all the contributors who gave up their time to attend our Careers Fair this afternoon.  It was a huge success and truly inspired many children to consider what interests them, what skills they have and what careers they may consider for the future.  It was great to see the event so well received by both parents, pupils and staff.  Well done everyone and thank you for making the event such a success.


Science in Pr.1

Our  Primary 1 Scientists have been busy at work

  • Let’s Investigate – Squeaky Clean
  • We are learning what is the best liquid for cleaning.
  • Success Criteria
  • I can talk about liquids that clean (detergents)
  • I can give my own experiences of a cleaning liquid such as: washing up liquid, shampoo or bubble bath.
  • I can help to plan for the investigation, changing only one variable.
  • I can make my guess.
  • I can observe and record the changes.
  • I can talk about the result and make my conclusions.
  • We needed 3 bottles, water and 3 detergents
  • We put the same amount of water into 3 bottles of the same size.
  • We put the same amount of liquid into the three bottles but we changed the type of liquid.
  • We used – washing up liquid, Shampoo and Bubble Bath
  • We made our prediction.
  • We shook the bottles to make bubbles.
  • We observed and measured the height of the bubbles.
  • We recorded the results and made our conclusions.

We noted that the washing up liquid produced the most bubbles and was the strongest detergent.

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