Communications Team

Our communications team aim to canvas the feelings and opinions of pupils on all aspects of the community life of the school and to share this in a variety of ways.  They  aim to highlight what is going on in the school, what the boys and girls are saying and to pass this information on in a number of ways – through a school magazine and a pupil blog!!

What did we say? –

28 thoughts on “Communications Team”

  1. Rabbie Burns Festival

    St Augustine’s Primary 6 and 7 pupils had a Rabbie Burns Festival. They sang all of the classics but with a twist. All the parents came to see them in action and also a special guest from the local Burns community. After all the singing the pupils had haggis, neeps and tatties.

    By Kayla and Ryan James

  2. Euro Quiz Interview

    6 weeks ago we interviewed Primary Six pupils who went to the Euro Quiz. We found out that it was in Cumbernauld at 12 noon. Some people felt very nervous; some found it great fun; but most of all they felt cool at the stage of preparation. In the Euro Quiz one of the subjects was Geography and it was very scary.

    By Amyleigh, Eva, Sonny and Sophie

  3. On Tuesday the 19th of April the whole school of St Augustine’s went to an assembly. We had a special visitor called Greg. He talked about something called Beat the Street. He showed us a Beat Box and a fob. A fob is a little green key ring. There are many Beat Boxes around Coatbridge. Greg told us when you are walking to school you scan your fob at the Beat Box you will get 10 points for the school. The scheme will be going on for 6 weeks and it the end of that we will see what primary school gets the most. Tesco will be providing a prize for the winning school.

    By Emma and Erin

  4. Euro quiz Interview

    6 weeks ago we interviewed Primary Six pupils who went to the Euro Quiz. We found out that it was in Cumbernauld at 12 noon. Some people felt very nervous; some found it very fun; but most of all they felt cool at the stage of preparation. In the Euro Quiz one of the subjects was Geography and it was very scary.

    By Eva, Sophie and Amyleigh

  5. Gymnastics

    Maggie, Neve, Brooke, Ailish, Hannah, Phoebe, Millie , Josh , Mark and other pupils from St. Augustine’s Primary went to Airdrie Academy to compete in a gymnastics competition with many other schools including St. Patrick’s, St. Mary’s and St. Kevin’s. Here is feedback from our gymnasts.

    Maggie – I thought it was great fun and a good experience for young people like me.

    Brooke- I did very well and I won a silver independent medal and a bronze team medal. You should try gymnastics.

    Hannah – I enjoyed it very much. I did the vault and the floor. It was great fun!


    As part of Health Week, most of the classes had a talk about road safety. There was a large truck from Marks & Spencer’s. There were four safety points in the truck. The front, the back and the two sides. Two children, Ayla and Aidan, went inside the truck at the front and 29 children and 3 adults screamed from the back and no one could hear.

    By Amyleigh Airns

  7. Hello my name is Eva Cairns and I am going to talk about health week. We had a talk from Mrs Robb and Mrs McGowan. All about fats and about CPR. And then we learned all about truck safety Frank told us the blind spots of a truck.

    By Eva Cairns

  8. Room 8 made fruit kababs for heath week with lots of yummy fruits the fruits. There were raspberries, grapes, oranges, bananas and strawberries.

    In room 10 they have got baby chicks. Everyone in the school has saw them. The teachers have been holding them. Two chicks were called Augustine and Pipa and there were lots more.

    By Keira and Kacey

  9. In room 10 there has been something special. Chicks have hatched from eggs. They are so cute and cuddly. We have learned how to look after them and how important it is to wash your hands to keep yourself nice and healthy and the chicks healthy.

  10. Mrs Docherty decided to have a health week. On Tuesday my class has rugby. We learned how to tackle then played bulldog. On Wednesday we did orienteering with hurdles, hoops and side jumps. On Friday we had basketball and that was the end of our health week.

    Goodbye now,
    Shay Mullen

  11. Doors

    Most doors in the school will now automatically close to prevent fires from spreading, block out noise and to keep heat in classrooms.
    Please be careful so you don’t get your fingers caught in the doors and make sure you hold the doors open for your classmates.

  12. Daffodil Tea

    On March 30th, Primary 7 hosted a Daffodil Tea in aid of Marie Curie along with the Easter bonnet parade. They served tea and cakes for the visitors to give a donation. There was also a raffle at the end. We hope all the parents and children had a wonderful time watching Primary 1 to 3 parade around the hall and sign songs. We raised enough money to care patients for over 2 hours. And most of all, thank you for attending our Daffodil Tea.

  13. Pope Francis Faith Award

    The p6s and p7s have been working hard on their pope Francis faith award booklet. The P7s have already sent theirs away, when the P6s are in they will sent theirs away too. They have completed lots of activities for the Pope Francis Faith Award in school, church and at home.
    By Eva and Phoebe

  14. Talent show
    At our annual school talent show we had lots of amazing acts and performances ranging from football to singing and dancing to gymnastics. In 3rd place was Mora Ward performing gymnastics, 2nd place was Taylor Reynolds with a fabulous dancing routine and 1st was Maggie Moore and Brooke Reynolds. Winners or not everyone was thrilled by the performances or by performing.
    -Sonny Kinnear

  15. Trim Trail
    Room 12, Primary 4 tried out the new Trim Trail. Everyone enjoyed it! The class’s favourite part of the Trim Trail was the Rope and Log section, but they enjoyed everything else too.

  16. Primary 4’s First Holy Communion
    On the 14th and the 21st of May the Primary 4’s will be making the sacrament of Holy Communion. The primary 4’s are looking forward to making this special sacrament and so is Father Kane. We all hope the primary 4’s have a brilliant day.

  17. Swimming & P.E.

    The Primary 5 pupils are attending the Time Capsule for swimming and P.E. and are having a great time. P.E. is very fun. They have been doing MULTI SPORTS and Football and they are keeping fit.

  18. Sports Hall Athletics

    Sports hall athletics was held in the Time Capsule, Coatbridge on 19th January, which was very fortunate as we only had to walk across the road. When we arrived at 10:00 it was very crowded with lots of different schools. First we done field events and then we went on to track events. Our school won most of the track events and got through to the finals in Ravens-Craig by coming first place overall.

    By Ayla and Phoebe

  19. P6 and P7 Confirmation

    P6 and P7 boys and girls have been preparing to make their Confirmation. They need to pick a saint’s name, and choose their sponsor. Their sponsor will mostly be their godparents. The Bishop will come and see their progress is. Soon they will get a prayer partner from the church.
    By Mark Hagerty and Anna Cairney

  20. The Daffodil Tea

    On the 28th of March our school held a daffodil tea to support Marie Curie. Some of our amazing pupils raised a total of a whopping £100+. Well done!!! We had some special visitors from Buchanan High, they were delighted to be joining us. At the lunch we raised £186 which will pay for Marie Currie to help sick patients, so thank you all for coming and donating, we really appreciate it.
    -Sonny K

  21. P4’s First Holy Communion

    On the 6th and the 13th of May the P4’s in room 9 and 11 will be making their First Holy Communion. They will be celebrating this event in St Augustine’s Parish at 10:00am and 12:00pm. The boys and girls will be all dressed up lovely.

    By Ayla and Phoebe

  22. Summer Break

    Everyone is getting so excited for our summer break that will start on the 28th June 2018. Everyone is growing up. Our primary 6’s will be the top of the school and are primary 7’s will not be here. They will be away in the high school. It’s not long now till the fun begins.

  23. The Talent Show
    Hello we are Mia and Ellie,
    At St. Augustine primary school we are having a Talent Show. The auditions are held next week and the contest will be on the 4th of May 2018.Everyone gets to do whatever they want! Like Singing, Dancing, Jokes, Tricks. At least two people from each class will get picked to perform in the contest.

  24. Sports Hall Athletics!

    These are some of the people who participated in this event that happened in the school. They came first in the first round and the Best Group award for the finals!!!

    Aidan- Went to both of the events and done the relay. He came 2nd on one and won all the rest. He said he was a good team mate!!

    Aidan- He said that they traveled in a bus that the school had put on he was also a good team mate. He done the hurdles and he said he done well!!!

    They done really well we really appreciate that they went out in school time to represent us in the final!!! They can really do us proud!

    By Eva Cairns, Sophie McCargo, Aidan Glen, Aidan Kane

  25. On Monday the 11th and Tuesday the 12th of June our Primary 7 pupils, along with the other pupils starting in August, went up to St. Ambrose for their 2 day induction. The point in the induction was to get the pupils used to the grounds and classes. On Monday the pupils followed routine as usual up until lunch, afterwards they had an afternoon of sporting fun set up by Mr. Hefferson – the St. Ambrose P.E teacher consisting of Football, Rounders and Benchball. The next day the P7’s had the opportunity to watch the school plays first showing in front of an audience. It was a great opportunity for pupils to meet future classmates and friends. Everyone loved the visit and is looking forward to attending after the summer holidays.

  26. 2017/18 School Year!!!
    By Keira, Ellie and Mia

    This year has been a fantastic year for all the pupils in St. Augustine’s Primary. There have been lots of fun days and trips through the year. Room 9 and 11 are learning about the world cup and learning how to make animations and flipbooks. Room 13, 15 & 16 have been learning about how to keep healthy and on a healthy diet. The whole school has competed in this year sports day on Monday 4th of June. This year we have a lot of special events happening communions, confirmations, confessions and lots of trips.

  27. Gaelic Football
    On the 5th of June our P7 and some P6 pupils went out and represented us in the Gaelic Football Tournament they were all amazing team player they travelled on a bus up to St Ambrose to play for the trophy.
    Lara Jo- “It was a great experience and lots of fun and it will help me be sporty for further life.”
    Aiden G- “He really enjoyed having this great opportunity.”
    By Eva, Sophie, Lara Jo, Aidan 

  28. The P.7s Last Year
    Sadly this year the P.7s will be leaving us and starting a new chapter up at the big High school. We interviewed some of the P.7s and here are what they said. Orla – “I am nervous for harder work and meeting new teachers but am excited to meet new friends”. Luke-“I am nervous in case I don’t talk to my primary school friends and I am excited to get different teachers for different subjects instead of the same one”.

    By Ayla and Phoebe

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