Category Archives: Whole School


As part of our whole school approach to developing the young workforce the school, in partnership with the Parent Council, will host a Career’s Fair tomorrow afternoon building upon the success of last year.  Classes from Pr. 3 – 7 will visit the various contributors to talk about their profession and how they began their career.  Children will want to find out if they always wanted to get a job in that field and what particular skills are required to be successful.  We hope the contributors are prepared for all the questions that will come their way tomorow.  The fair will also be opne to parents and pupils from 3 – 4pm tomorrow.

First Communion

Congratulations to Miss Watt and Miss Lester’s class who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion at Mass this morning. They were all so wonderful and were a real credit to their teacher and their families.  St. Augustine’s Primary are so proud of you all!!  Many thanks to Father Kane for the beautiful service and the support and guidance both he and Sister Eileen have provided to the classes in preparation of the Sacrament today.

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What’s Happening this Week?

Our week ahead is extremely busy with events taking place around our world of work week.  On Wednesday we have our Careers Fair for classes to visit in the afternoon.  Our exhibitors will remain in school from 3 – 4 so parents and grandparents can pop into the hall to see what we have all been up to.  Many thanks already to the parents who have responded to our request and have agreed to come along to the Careers Fair and talk about their businesses and jobs.  We are sure the children will have plenty of questions.  On Thursday we welcome our new entrants to the school for the first of their Induction afternoons.  We are all looking forward to welcomng both children and parents to our community of faith and learning.

Monday Mrs. Rankin – out of school

Football Festival – St.Ambrose 10 – 12, Pr.5 team, Pr.6 team, Pr.7 team, Pr.5 – 7 girls team

Class visits by Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – Rm 3 and Rm 4

Mrs. Docherty – Social Work Meeting – pm


Tuesday Class visits by Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – Rm 6,10, 11,12

Pr.7 Visit to New Lanark College – 1.00pm.

Mrs. Docherty – attending training session– Computer Centre

Wednesday CAREERS FAIR – 1.00pm.

Early Lunch 12.20 – 1.00pm. Infants to go to hall at 12.00 and classes called thereafter

Staff Meeting – Planning and Moderation Meetings


NEW ENTRANT INDUCTION AFTERNOON – Father Kane to speak 2.30pm

Class Visit  – Rm 16

Miss Watt – Attainment Challenge 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs. Drummond – out of school – pm

SDoyle to start filming of Pr.7 for leavers DVD

Friday SDoyle – to continue filming Pr.7

Open Afternoon/Art Exhibition

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Today we hosted our annual Open Afternoon and invited parents and grandparents to join classes and to experience the learning taking place across the school.  Parents reported they enjoyed the opportunity to visit their child’s class and to see them in their learning environment.  The parents with more than one child at the school had a busier afternoon than most as they had several classes to visit and more than one child to keep happy! Our Art exhibition was a great success with 50% of the artwork bought already.  Parents have until the 18th May to purchase their child’s work if they wish.  Please contact the school office to arrange if wishing to make a purchase. Above are a few highlights of the afternoon.


What’s on this Week?

Monday Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly – Pr.5 classes

Class observations – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to visit Room 1 and 2.

Pupil Council Conference – 9.30 – 12.00 – 2 Pr.6 girls to attend with Mrs. Thompson

Mrs.Docherty/Mrs.Elder – to attend Workload Control Agreement Area Conference – Airdrie Town Hall  1 – 3pm

Staff Collegiate Session – 3.00pm

Tuesday Class obervations – Rm 7, Rm 8 – Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott

Mrs.Docherty to attend Review Meeting – 11.00

Mrs. Docherty to attend Developing Young Workforce – 3.45- 5.15pm – Kildonan Street

Wednesday Mrs.Docherty to attend Outcome Focused Meeting – Social Work – Kildonan Street – 9.00

Mini Cross Country –Pr.3/4, 10 – 11.30am

Open Afternoon/Art Exhibition – 1.30pm. Parents and Grandparents invited to visit classes and see art exhibition in gym hall.  Art work available for sale.

Thursday Speech and Language Therapist – group work – 9.15 – 10.45

Class observations – Rm 13, Rm 14

Practitioner Enquiry – Miss Watt – pm

Mrs.Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting at St.Ambrose – final transition discussion – 3.20pm

Friday Netball Final – Tryst, Cumbernauld

Mrs.Docherty to attend review meetings – am


The eco committee have been busy planning their next areas of action. They have agreed litter needs to be a focus as well as greater recycling across the school. At their next meeting they are going to plant seeds to make our garden look nice and hopefully transfer some of the plants we grow to the community orchard.

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