Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this week?

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty – attending meeting on Pupil Equity Fund – 930, Family Group Meeting – St.Pat’s 10.30 – 12.00

Jotter monitoring – WAC/Maths – Pr.1 and 2

Mrs.Elliott attending Parent Meetings

Management Meeting – 3.00pm

Wednesday Class observations – 9.30 – Rm 9, 11.30 – Room 14 – Mrs.Docherty

Pr.7  Wear Yellow Walk. Wear Yellow Day for whole school for  St.Andrew’s Hospice – cost £1.00

Jotter monitoring – Pr.3 and 4

Pr.7 – Parent information evening – St.Ambrose

Parent Council Meeting – 6.00pm – Parish Centre

PTA – 7.15pm – Parish Centre

Thursday Mrs. Docherty – out of school am – meeting

New entrant lunch – 11.30am.

Jotter monitoring – Pr.4 and 6

Class observations – Rm 16 – 1.30, Rm 15 – 2.15

Pr. 7 Induction Day – St.Ambrose, St.Andrew’s


Friday First Friday Mass

Jotter monitoring – Pr.7

2.30pm Mrs Docherty and Mrs. Elliott to attend meeting –school app

Pr. 7 Induction Day – St.Ambrose, St.Andrew’s

First Communion

Congratulations to the pupils from Miss Lester’s class who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion today.  You were a credit to your family and to the school. Many thanks to Father Travers for such a beautiful service and for all the support he has provided to both Miss Lester and the children.  Well done boys and girls!!

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What’s on this Week?

Monday Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly – Pr.5

Netball – Fun 5’s – Pr.4/5 – 2 teams of 7, Time Capsule 10 – 12

Jotter Monitoring – Rm 1,2,3,10,11


Tuesday Gaelic Football Semi- finals St.Ambrose 9.20 – 12.30

Mrs.McGlone – out pm – in-service training

Jotter Monitoring Rm 4,6,14,15

Wednesday PC Shona Smith to visit MrsDocherty – parking issues -10.00am

Child Smile – Fluoride varnish applications

Jotter monitoring – Rm 7,8,15,16

Thursday Mrs.Docherty- out all day –  AGM – ACPHT

Pr.1 – Induction Afternoon – Mr.sElliott to lead

Jotter monitoring – Rm 9,12

Rooms 1,2, 9 and 12 to visit Charlotte Toal Centre.

Friday HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!

Outdoor Learning Day

Our school grounds were are an extremely busy place as classes across the school took advantage of the good weather and got outside for outdoor learning day.  Here are a few highlights showing Pr. 1,2 and 7 making use of our school grounds and carrying out some excellent teamwork.

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Careers Day

Many thanks to all the contributors who gave up their time and came along today to support our second Careers Fair.  It was a resounding success thanks to their commitment and enthusiasm.  We really could not have done it without such dedicated supporters of the school.  Our contributors provided the children with the opportunity to learn about a wide array of professions such as acting, printing,  aircraft engineering, science,  optometry, pharmacy, karate, banking, software engineering, dental science, biology, trucking/transport, quantity surveying, real estate, environmental health, health promotion and teaching. It was great to see the children so engaged and eager to ask lots of questions.  Our afternoon was a great success with many thanks to our Parent Council for their support in organising the event.  Here are a few highlights.

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