Category Archives: Whole School


Unfortunately due to the poor weather (it was pouring on the 6th June) we had to postpone our sports day.  Please note the sports day will take place on Monday 19th June.

Pr. 1- 3 Sports Events will take place place from 10.15.

Pr. 4 – 7 Sports Events will take place from 1.00pm.

There will be an early break that day at 9.45am and lunch will take place from 12.00 – 12.45.

Parents and grandparents will be able to get a seat directly after the morning break and lunchtime break.  Children can come to school that day in their sports clothes.  Keep all fingers crossed for a rain free day, it’s not too much to ask in June!!

A Super Generous Pupil!!

One of our Pr. 4 pupils generously donated the money she received as gifts on the occasion of her recent First Holy Communion to Mary’s Meals.  Her outstandingly generous gift of £500 ( which equated to £624.75 with Gift Aid)  will mean 45 children will be fed for a whole school year.  Our wonderful Pr. 4 pupil is a perfect example of Faith in Action.  Let’s hope her generous spirit leads us all to reflect and think of how we can think of and support others.  Here is a picture of our Faith Ambassador with Liz from Mary’s Meals.  Liz presented her with a lovely letter and certificate from the charity.  St.Augustine’s is extremely proud of you and lots of children will be well fed this year thanks to your kind and generous deed.



Rotary Young Writer of the Year

This year our Pr. 7 pupils took part in the Rotary Club’s Young Writer of the Year Award.  One of our very talented pupils won this prestigious title and brought a great deal of success to the school.  She is an accomplished writer and aims to embark upon a literary career in the future.  She won a beautiful crystal bowl and a framed award alongside a cash prize for herself and one for the school.  Most importantly of all she got to read her wonderful story to the school and has surely inspired others to write.  Quite an achievement and a great talent of which we are immensely proud!! Our loss will be St.Ambrose gain when she moves to the High School in August.

Parish Jubilee Mass

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Some of our school choir agreed to come along to the Jubilee Service on Sunday and sing the Post Communion Hymn.  Father Kane was delighted to see them and to have them take part in the service lead by Bishop Toal.  Well done girls you did a wonderful job of representing the school.  Many thanks to Mrs.Murray for running our school choir,  they are doing wonderful work!


The Week Ahead

This week is a very busy week in school with several classes attending retreats in the Parish Centre and all classes heading off to Blair Drummond Safari Park.  Please check the weather forecast and ensure your child is dressed for the weather.  Let’s hope it is dry, sun would be a bonus but after this week a dry day would be great!!

Monday Pr. 4 Retreat – Parish Centre

NSPCC Workshops – 9-10 – Rm 13,

10 – 11 – Rm 16

11.15- 12.15 Rm 7

1.30 – 2.30 Rm 8

Mrs. Docherty – 1.00pm – Review Meeting

Mrs.Docherty/Mrs Elliott – 2.00pm – Annual Review Meeting with Educational Psychologist

Tuesday Pr. 7  Visit to St.Ambrose – School Show, Dress Rehearsal.

Pr. 6 Retreat – Parish Centre


Wednesday Pr. 4 and 5 BLAIR DRUMMOND

ASSEMBLY – NSPCA to speak to classes

Thursday Pr. 6 and 7 BLAIR DRUMMOND

Pr. 3 Retreat – Parish Centre

Mrs.Thomson, Miss Watt – out of school – Showcase Event 1.30- 3.30

Friday P. 7 Retreat – Parish Centre

Gladiator Rocks Basketball to carry out sessions with Pr. 5 and 6 classes. Rm 14   9 – 10, Rm 15 10 – 11, Rm 13 11.15 – 12.15 and Rm 16 1.30- 2.30.


Due to the heavily forecasted rain for the week ahead we have unfortunately had to make the decision to postpone our sports day this week.  Next week all classes are out of school attending retreats and visits to Blair Drummond Safari Park. Fingers crossed the rain has stopped by then.  Therefore, our sports day will commence week beg. 19th June.  Notification will be issued shortly in regard of the precise day that week.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.  Blame our Scottish weather!!

What’s on this Week?

Tuesday is our planned sports day – weather permitting.  The forecast for Coatbridge for the week ahead does not look particularly promising with rain forecast for the week.  The only dry day appears to be Wednesday!  We will remain weather watching before we make a decision about Tuesday with another alternative date being issued if need be.  Please check the school blog for updates.

Monday Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly

Mrs. Rankin – out all day

Mrs. Redmond – last day for a while!!! We will keep her in our prayers!


Tuesday SPORTS DAY – Weather permitting

Pr. 1-3 am, Pr. 4 – 7 pm

Early break and early lunch to accommodate

Gaelic Football Final (1 group of pupils) – am, Mrs. Drummond to supervise

PFFA Award Verification Meeting 2.00 – 4.00

Wednesday Gaelic Football Finals – am

ASSEMBLIES – 1.30, 2.10, NSPCC – Childline – to speak at both assemblies

Friday Mrs Docherty – meeting  – 9.15

SUNFLOWER TEA – 10.30 am – open to parents, grandparents, 11.15am Pr. 1 – 3 pupils to entertain. Early break 10. 45 – 11.00.

Summer Fair

Our Summer Fair was a great success on Saturday thanks to the fabulous efforts of our great PTA.  Many thanks also to the boys and girls who made products to sell at the fair and also to the school  staff who came along to support our school community.  It was a very busy morning with a huge amount of money raised for the school thanks to everyone’s generosity on the day. The PTA have indicated £2,000 was the estimated figure for the day which is an outstanding sum of money. A huge thank you to our PTA who have worked so hard all year to raise funds and shown such a degree of dedication and commitment to our school.  All the money raised throughout the year has enabled the school to subsidise trips, pay for visiting theatre companies, pay for school sports day, Pr. 7 leavers do, yearbook,awards and the ongoing work of developing our school grounds.  That is only a few of their contributions to the life of the school this year, there are so many others.  Please consider joining our  PTA!!! We would love to see you!  Here is our slideshow capturing some highlights of the day!

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