Category Archives: Whole School

Welcome Back

The staff team are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school after our long summer break!  We hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday.  We are looking forward to welcoming our new Pr. 1 pupils and their parents and getting to know everyone over the coming weeks.  School starts for everyone at 9.00am.  Our Pr. 1 pupils are asked to go straight into their class with their parents to get some pictures for the family album.  Our school day will end at 3.00pm as usual. Our Pr. 1 pupils will leave the building prior to 3.00pm to ease congestion on the first few days.

Leavers Mass and Assembly

This afternoon we celebrated Mass in the school to mark the end of 7  years at primary school for our Pr.7 pupils who will leave us on Wednesday.  They have been a wonderful group of children whom we have all enjoyed working with over the years.  They are all a credit to their families and we wish them every success at high school.  Their award ceremony gave recognition for their endeavour, curricular strengths,  contributing effectively to the life of the class and the school and being excellent school ambassadors.  Take all the good that you have learned and continue to work hard and do your best remembering to always kind to others.

Always remember what St.Augustine said

‘When you truly believe in yourself… You can be anything your heart yearns to be.’

The Last Week – What’s on?

Our last week at school will see us saying goodbye to Miss Ross who will be leaving us for a career break.  We hope she does not stay away too long as we are going to miss her hugely next session.  Miss Burns will be leaving us to take up  a new permanent post at St.Stephen’s Primary. We wish her every success.  Miss Mooney (now Mrs.McLean) will take up a post at a school in Cumbernauld.   We wish her every success.  Next session we will be joined by three new teachers – Mr.Furlong, Miss Ross and Miss Cameron.  Due to budget cuts we will be saying goodbye to several members of our outstanding  support team.   At the moment we do not know where they will be working in August.  We will greatly miss all that Mrs.Grant, Ms Byrne, Miss Thomson and Mrs.McShane have contributed to the school over the many years they have worked in the school.  To keep any one  of these wonderfully outstanding members of the school  team would be terrific so we can only hope and pray that we are able to retain the services of at least one of these lovely talented ladies.

Please review our week ahead planner.

Monday CfE awards assembly – 10.00. School choir to perform for the school.

Early break10.45 – 11.00

Hymn singing – 11.00 – Pr. 6 and 7. Greg McHugh to play.

Pr. 7 Leavers Mass and Awards Ceremony – 1.30pm.

Parents and grandparents are invited.

Tuesday Move up Morning /Meet the teacher – 10.15am.  All pupils will meet their receiving teacher for August.
Wednesday End of term Mass – 10.00am

Snack to go will be provided for pre-placed orders.

Guard of Honour for Pr.7. Classes to leave rooms and line in the school yard from 12.45am. Pr. 7 parents are invited to stand at the end of the guard of honour. All pupils will be dismissed after the Pr.7 walk through and the bell at 1.00pm

School to close at 1.00pm – Hooray!!!!


The Hobbit

M & M Productions came along to the school on our Fun Day on Friday to present their adaptation of The Hobbit.  The children loved the show as their shouting and laughter could be clearly heard around the school.  Many thanks to our fabulous PTA who paid for this lovely end of term treat.

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End of Year Assembly

On Thursday morning the school held it’s end of year assembly  and recalled many of the school’s achievements this session.  This included the school receiving notification that it had successfully renewed it’s status as an ECO SCHOOL.   Many thanks to Mrs.Drummond who gathered all the required evidence to support our application.  This is a tremendous achievement and a great reward for all the hard work undetaken by everyone across the school.  There was also an announcement that the school had achieved the SILVER AWARD from School Sport Scotland.  Next year we will be working to achieve the GOLD AWARD after gathering all the evidence required to support our application.  We are confident that we are already well on the way to achieving this status.  The Rotary Club attended our assembly as invited guests and presented awards to the Pr. 7 pupils who entered the Rotary Club Young Writer of the Year compeition.  Our own Kayla Doran was the overall winner of this prestigious award.  Father Travers and Sister Eileen were our other invited guests and presented the Pope Francis Faith Awards to our Pr. 7 pupils.  Quite an achievement from so many pupils on their faith journey over the last two years.   Sister Eileen was presented with a gift from the school and the pupils in recognition of her wonderful service to the school throughout her many years within the Parish.  Awards were also presented to the Pr.7’s who made entries to the Scottish Young Design Engineers Competition.  Mrs.Elliot presented special awards  to  some of our outstanding netball players.  Awards were also presented for attendance with a huge number of children receiving bronze, silver and gold awards.  It was great to see so many childen achieve perfect attendance this year, particulary as we have aimed to improve attendance figures across the school all year.  Our House Captains and Vice Captains from West End House came out to accept the trophy for being the Winning House on Sports Day. Unfortunately we did not get an opportunity to present our Curriculum for Excellence Awards as we ran out of time after such a busy assembly packed full of successful stories.  Those awards will be presented on Monday.   Here are a few highlights from the morning assembly.  Many thanks to our dance troupe for closing the assembly.

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Sports Day Highlights

Our Sports Day was a great success with the sun shining and everyone taking part in the traditional races.  A huge thanks to the   mums and dads who entered into the spirit of the day and took part in their own race.  The children loved it!! Thankfully there were no injuries when we had a few parents fall as they raced to the finish line.  Although perhaps there was just a bit a bruised pride!!

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Week Ahead

Week beg. 19th June

Please note the Leavers Mass and Awards Ceremony will take place in the school hall on Monday 26th June at 1.30pm. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to join us.

All classes will attend the end of term Mass on Wed. 28th June at 10.00am.  All are welcome to join us.  The school will close at 1.00pm for the summer break.


Pr. 1- 3 – 10.15 .

EARLY BREAK – 9.45 – 10.00

LUNCH – 12.00 – 12.45

Pr. 4 – 7 – 1.00

Schedule for the day to follow.  Parents please remember to bring your running shoes for the mums and dads race.  There will also be a toddler race and new entrants race.

Tuesday Paul Hamill to visit Pr.6 and Pr. 7 classes to discuss Parish Youth Club – 30 mins each class 9 – 11

Enhanced transition visit St.Ambrose for several pupils 9/9.30.

Mrs. Docherty to visit GLO centre Motherwell , HMI HT Meeting – 10.30 – 1.00pm

Wednesday 10.00 Children’s Hearing – Mrs. Fraser to attend

11.00 Mrs.Docherty – meeting

1.00 Mrs. Docherty – Multi-agency Meeting – Social Work


Pr. 4 – 7 – Police to speak to pupils about anti-social behaviour.

Thursday WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY – end of term awards – CfE Awards, Attendance awards, Rotary Club to present certificates, Netball Awards

3.00 – Mrs. Docherty to attend review meeting – Langloan Primary


Friday Probationers to visit school – am

PUPIL FUN DAY – M&M productions – The Hobbit.  This is non-uniform day.

9.30 – 10.30 Pr. 1 – 3

10 .45 – 11.45 Pr. 4 – 7

BREAK 10. 30 – 10.45