Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – Mrs.Docherty Pr. 5 – 7, 9.15 – 9.55

Admin Meeting – Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Rankin – 10.00

St.Ambrose pupils – pm visit – variety of classes

Miss Lester out all day – ASD training. Mr. Furlong to cover

Educational Psychologist to visit – am

Staff Collegiate Development – Restorative Practice – Part 1 – presented by Ed Greisl

Tuesday Mrs. Elliott – out am – interviewing at St.Dominic’s 9.30am

Miss Cameron – out –Literacy – Reading , Phonics and Spelling.  Mr.Furlong to cover class

Mrs. Docherty – in -service  – 1.30 – 3.00

Stephen Mozier – Grounds for Learning –  to meet School Grounds Development Team – 3.00pm


Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – Mrs. Fraser, Pr. 1 and 2 Mrs. Elliott

Road Safety Show for Pr. 1 ,2 and 3 pupils – 1.30pm – 50 minute show

Mrs. Rankin -training event – pm

Thursday 9.30 Seonaid Robertson – diabetic Nurse to meet Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Cartwright

Miss Ross – out all day – Literacy training.  Miss Brolly to cover class

Alison McEwan – SLT – to make class visit

Football afterschool – Pr.7

OPEN EVENING / MEET THE TEACHER EVENING – 6.30 – 8.00pm.   Parents invited to hall for a short presentation and launch of school app at 6.30pm.

Friday Mrs. Elliott – to attend Anti-Bullying Training – Conforti Institute – all day

Committee Meetings – pm

Well Done!!!

One of our very generous and kind pupils featured in the local paper in recognition of donating her hair to a cancer charity who make wigs for children who undergo treatment.  It was a hugely generous thing to do that also raised a huge sum of money due to donations.  Well done!!  We are all so proud of you Erin Grace!!

Rights of the Child Production

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The whole school enjoyed a production of  ‘The Rights of the Child’.  They learned about the UN Conventions of the Rights of the Child and also learned about wellbeing and the SHANARRI indicators – SAFE, HEALTHY, ACTIVE, NURTURED, RESPONSIBLE , RESPECTED ND INCLUDED.  We certainly have lots to reflect upn at our next assembly.


Monday Mrs. Rankin – out of school – am – Census collection

ASSEMBLY – Mrs. Docherty Pr. 5 – 7, 9.15 – 9.55

Mrs. Docherty – to meet St.Ambrose pupils who will be on a 10 week placement – in school every Mon.- 6 pupils to be assigned classes

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty to meet parent 2.00pm

Miss Cameron – out of school for in-service training

KILBOWIE MEETING FOR Pr. 7 pupils – 6.30pm in school

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – Mrs. Fraser, Pr. 1 and 2 Mrs. Elliott – am.  Celebrating achievement.


Thursday JRSO Meeting – Gartlea Community Centre – Pr. 6 and 7 pupil to attend with Ms. McShane

Wilson Photography to visit school – Individual and family groups

Miss Ross – out of school for in-service training

Miss Lester – out – am – in-service training Literacy Base – Miss Brolly to cover

Mr. O’Dowd – out of school all day – in-service training.  Mr.Furlong to cover

Mrs. Docherty – out of school  all day – attending Catholic Head Teachers and Associated Primaries (CHAPS) CONFERENCE

Football afterschool club to commence – Pr.7

Friday Mrs. Docherty – out of school all day – CHAPS CONFERENCE

Hopscotch Theatre Company to perform to whole school – Rights of the Child

What’s on This Week?

Everyone has settled in really well to the start of the new school term.  We are delighted that our new starts in Pr. 1 are doing so well and have become so well aquainted with their new class and are meeting lots of new friends.  We look forward to welcoming you all to school on the 14th September for our Meet the Teacher/Open Evening.

Monday Patronal Feast Day – Mass at St.Augustine’s Church – 10.00am

Afternoon – Celebration for Feast Day – class based

Mrs.Docherty to meet Active Sports Co-ordinator

Mrs.Ewart – Kodaly – Pr. 5 (Rm 15 and Pr.5’s – Rm 11 and 13) 11.30 – 12.30 – 45 minutes each block – Music Room

Staff  Development Night – De-escalating Challenging Behaviour

Tuesday Mrs. McGlone – in-service – Literacy Base – 9.15 – 12.45

Mrs. Docherty – out of school am at meeting

Miss Cameron – out of school – Induction Guidelines – 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs.Scott – visual impairment support teacher – to meet with Mrs.Elder – 1.30 pm – Miss Brolly to cover Rm 3

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – MFraser, Pr. 1 and 2 MMElliott

Speech and Language Therapist to visit school – working with Miss Brolly

PARENT COUNCIL MEETING – 6.00pm – Parish Centre

PTA – 7.15pm. New Members Welcome – Parish Centre

Thursday Wilson Photography – Full School – Class pictures

Miss Ross – out of school – Induction Guidelines – Miss Brolly to cover

Mrs. Docherty – attending Children’s Hearing

Friday Mrs.Docherty – out of school – Head of Establishment Meeting

Mrs.Drummond attending in-service training Preparing for Confirmation.  Mr.Furlong to cover

Lynne Cairney to visit school  – Credit Union – 10.00 -Pr. 7

House Captain Elections

Here is a sneaky peep at our newly elected House Captains and Vice Captains.  As you can see they look really pleased with themselves – and so they should!!  They were elected by their classmates and are already fine ambassadors for the school.  We are confident they will do a fine job in the months ahead.  Well done boys and girls and congratulations!!!

Newsletter Update

Apologies to all as there are a couple of print errors on our newsletter issued this week.

Please note

Wilson Photographer will visit the school on Thurs. 31st as advertised and will also visit on Thurs. 7th September.

Sacramental Meeting is Tues. 19th September

Sponsored Walk is Thursday 21st September