Category Archives: Whole School

Monthly Awards Assembly

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The whole school met on Friday for our monthly awards assembly.  Our wonderful House Captains completed their term in office by leading this assembly and boy have they set the bar high.  Our candidates are busy preparing their manifestos as we speak.  Stay tuned for our new recruits.

Well done award winners – we had writers of the month, artists of the month and maths stars of the month. I hear it was a tough choice boys and girls.  Keep up the great work everyone.

Well done to Westend who won this months highest points!

Developing the Young Workforce through STEM in P6/7 and P7

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Watch out Dragons Den our budding young engineers in the making are coming!

Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 would like to thank Joe Reilly for coming to see us on Friday to tell us all about engineering and to help us with our Scottish Engineering Projects. We learned how it’s really important to keep safe.  Thanks Joe for answering all our questions, we really appreciate it.

Burns Assembly P6/7 and P7

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Our Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 pupils held a Burns Assembly today for their family and friends where they shared their learning of the famous Scotsman Robert Burns.  Pupils read some of his poems before being joined by their family members to sing a lovely version of Auld Lang Syne.

Our afternoon came to a close with some refreshments and a delicious plate of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by shortbread made by our amazing kitchen staff.   All in all a lovely afternoon was had by all.  Thanks once again for your support.



What’s on this Week?

Please note both Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott are out of school for some of this week.  Mrs.Fraser, as part of the Senior Managment Team, will be responsible for the school on those days.

Monday Assembly – 9.15 – Pr. 5 – 7, Mrs. Docherty

Mrs. Hanlon – out of school all day . Miss Brolly to cover.

Class Observations – Rm 1 (Mrs. Elliott) , Room 2 (Mrs. Docherty) – 11.00

Mrs.Dummond to attend Pope Francis Faith Award  verification meeting– 1.30 – 3.00pm.


Tuesday Mrs. Hanlon – out of school all day . Mrs. Chisholm to cover.

Mrs. Fraser – out am to attend meeting St.Ambrose H.S. Modern Languages in the Primary School  Support session -10 – 12.

Miss Cameron –out of school all day – practitioner enquiry training session

Visit by North Lanarkshire authority – Jim Beers and Jan McCrone–pre-HMI visit – 1.30pm


Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3 – 4 – 9.15 – MFraser. Miss Brolly will cover NCCT timetabled classes in the afternoon.

Mrs. Elliott – out all day – attending Leadership Coaching Seminar event in Glasgow

Mrs. Docherty – out all day attending Scottish Attainment Challenge Meeting

Collegiate Development Work   – teaching staff


Thursday Mrs. Elliott – out all day Leadership Coaching Event

Mrs. Docherty – out of school to attend Head of Establishment Meeting.

Gymnastic Championship – Airdrie Academy

BURNS SUPPER – Rm 7 and 8 – 1.30pm – Hall – Parents invited



Friday Class observation – Rm 13 – 9.20 Mrs. Elliott

National Improvement Strategy group meeting  – 9.15 11.15 – Mrs.Docherty

St.Ambrose Transition visit – 9.15am

Parent Joe Reilly to give an engineering talk to  Pr.7  – 2.00pm


Credit Union – collection day


Early Closure on Friday

The school would like to thank all parents for their understanding and patience on receiving notification that all North Lanarkshire schools were to close early on Friday.  The school took all necessary measures to ensure parents were made aware of this decision as soon as they were informed.  This included text messages, notification on the blog and twitter.  The school is aware that issued text messages were not received immediately and there was a significant delay.  Unfortunately this issue was beyond the control of the school and the matter will be investigated centrally.