Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday STEM Wizard Magic School Show – am. Pr. 4 – 7  – 9.20. Pr. 1 – 3  – 11.15.  Many thanks to the PTA who have kindly agreed to pay for the shows as part of our work around Science and Engineering Week.

Dalida Kinniburgh Educ. Psych. – school visit – pm

Health Fitness Programme to commence Pr. 5 /Rm 15 – 45 mins in hall and 40 mins in class – Celtic Foundation


Mrs. Docherty – to attend cluster meeting 4.00pm – St.Ambrose

Tuesday Cross Country Finals – am

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting at Kildonan Street as part of Authority HMI Inpsection – 1.00pm


FIRST RECONCILIATION SERVICE – Pr. 3 pupils -7.00pm.  We will keep our Pr. 3 pupils in our prayers.

Wednesday St.Ambrose Sports Leaders – 9 – 10 Rm 16

Mrs. Elliott – Seasons for Growth – am

Mrs.Docherty to attend Authority HMI visit at St.Ambrose 11.00 to discuss transition

RM 16 – to release trout – pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend Coatbridge Locality Meeting – Community Centre 3.30pm

*FUN FITNESS – Pr. 3 / 4

Thursday International School Meals Day – please take note of change to menu – Hotdog, pupil choice

Water Aid to visit classes – details to follow

Working Parties released to continue development work – HWB working party 9.20 – 11.00. Maths Working party 1.30 – 3.00.



SPRING DISCO – 6 – 7.15 Pr. 1 – 3

                                   7.30 – 8.45 Pr. 4 – 7. Helpers would be greatly appreciated. 

Please note Pr. 1 – 3 children will be picked up from the infant entrance.  Please anticipate a short wait whilst we ensure all pupils are collected in an orderly manner. Likewise please allow for a short wait as we stagger the flow of parents picking up Pr. 4- 7 children and ensure everyone leaves in an orderly manner.  Pr. 4 – 7 children must be picked up from the school and are not allowed to leave the school without an adult.  Your patience and understanding will be greatly appreciated.

Friday Friday Swap Shop – Pr.5, 6 and 7 – 11am.  £1.00

Credit Union – collection day

Non – uniform day/Hoopathon day – £1.00


Enterprising Minds

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Look at these wonderful enterprising brains who have worked hard to make and sell their wares to raise funds for charity during Lent. Every day our hall is a hive of activity with continually changing stock.  Well done boys and girls you are such Responsible Citizens.

Crazy Hair Day

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As part of our fundraising activities for Lenten charities our children and some of our staff celebrated crazy hair day today – going out to the yard this morning certainly got some laughs.  Well done everyone what great sports you are.