Category Archives: Whole School

Watch Out!!!

As a result of pupils own concerns around litter , the Eco Committee have formed a band of Litter Busters to patrol school grounds and to make sure everyone plays their part in making sure our school is litter free and we are all playing our part in looking after our environment.   Well done boys and girls.  Watch out the Litter Busters are about!!!

Eco Committee News

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Our Eco Committee learned about climate change during our meeting today and decided on two priorities we as a school community could work on.

Firstly we are going to encourage as many of our friends to save energy on 24th March at 8.30pm for Earth Hour. We are going to ask everyone to turn off their lights at home for 1 hour.  We hope you will support us in this campaign.

Secondly, our pupil feedback showed concern for the amount of litter in the yard so we are going to be on patrol next week during break and lunch to encourage as many people as possible to put their litter in the bin.  We will be wearing our yellow vests so easy to spot.   Together we can all do our bit to save the environment.

What’s Happening in School Next Week?

Week beginning 19th March remains a busy week for the school.  Holy Mass takes place every morning at 8.00am in the Church with breakfast provided for the children in the hall afterwards.  This is provided free by the school.  It has been great to so many of our children make that extra effort to get to Mass.

Many thanks to the PTA for organising the Spring Disco. It was a great success.  A huge thank you is also extended to the parents and staff who came out to help supervise that evening.  As you can see from previous posts the children had a ball.

Monday Assembly – 9.15 – Pr. 3 – 7 –Mrs.Docherty/Mrs.Fraser

Pr. 5 – Kodaly Lessons with Mrs.Ewart

Generation Science – Body Builders Show – Pr. 4, Pr.4/5 and the Pr. 5 pupils from Rm 13.  The PTA have kindly agreed to pay for this show.  Other scheduled dates are in the diary for performances for classes throughout the school at a later date.

Health Fitness Programme to commence Pr. 5 /Rm 15 – 45 mins outside and 40 mins in class – Celtic Foundation

Mrs. Docherty to attend Scotcen Meeting – Park Avenue 3.30pm

Tuesday Mrs.Docherty to attend Review Meeting

Miss Cameron –in-service training-pm

Football Friendship League – 3.30 – 5.00pm. Mrs. Fraser to attend

David Harper – Church Deacon – to visit Pr. 3 classes

PARENTS EVENING – 3.30- 6.00pm

Wednesday Mrs. Docherty – Head of Establishment Meeting

St.Ambrose Sports Leaders – 9 – 10 Rm 16 – outside, weather permitting for hockey lesson

SCHOOL TO HOST DANCE FESTIVAL – am. Tuck shop times will be affected.

David Harper – Church Deacon – to visit Pr. 4 classes.

ASSEMBLY –Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 – Mr. Elliott

Mrs. Elliott – Seasons for Growth -pm

Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Fraser – to attend 1+2 Language Digital Technology Course – pm

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall – North Lanarkshire concert – Erin Higgins Pr. 7 pupil  taking part.

Thursday Literacy Working Party Meeting 9.20 – 11.00

Miss Ross – in- service training -pm

PARENTS EVENING – 3.30 – 8.00

Friday Whole School Assembly 9.30

Mini Sportshall Athletics –Pr. 3 pm. 12.30 start. Early Lunch.

Mrs. Docherty – NLC Nurture Conference –GLO Centre, Motherwell

Credit Union – collection day