Category Archives: Whole School

Parents Evening

Many thanks to everyone who came along to our Parents evening last week.  We hope you left feeling well informed about your child/children’s progress in learning and their application to work.  A huge thank you for your contribution to our ongoing school improvement with the completion and return of our school questionnaires.  Our pupils have also been busy over the last few weeks completing questionnaires and surveys to help us identify school priorities for next session.  Mrs.Elliott has collated all responses and will publish the outcome of our survey.  Many thanks to everyone for your very positive feedback and kind words that acknowledged the great work taking place in the school and also for taking the time to identify what we could do better to further improve our school.

Please note that Mr.O’Dowd will carry out his Parents evening when we return after the spring break.

Active Schools Dance Festival 2018

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St Augustine’s hosted the Active Schools Dance Festival today and our hall was buzzing with excited dancers covered in glitter and bright colours.  We are delighted that we won Silver Medal for our own dancers and pleased to say they are through to the finals.

We would like to thank the boys and girls from the other schools for visiting us and taking part you were fabulous ambassadors for your schools.


Body Builders

On Monday, the boys and girls in primary 4 and 5 had a visit from Doctor Watson and Nurse It Better who brought their touring teaching hospital to St Augustines. We learned about the main organs of the body and their functions along with the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as discovering ways to keep our bodies health.

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