Category Archives: Whole School

Daffodil Tea and Easter Bonnet Parade

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Thank you very much for coming out to support our P7’s raise funds for Marie Curie today at our Daffodil Tea we hope you enjoyed all the delicious goodies on offer.  Initial counting indicates £186 was raised plus over £100 from our two fabulous pupils who raised funds during lent at their lunchtime stall.  Well done everyone you are all superstars.

A big well done to all the family members who helped make the Easter Bonnets on display today – WOW!  we certainly are very lucky having such creative individuals.  The children looked absolutely fantastic and you should all be extremely proud.  Boys and girls your singing was fabulous.  Huge well done everyone!  Happy Easter everyone.

Peer Reading Exchange

Our budding authors from P4 and P7 met earlier this week to share the novels they wrote during Literacy Week.  They got to read each others stories, ask questions about characters and plots and then peer assessed each others work.  Wonderful discussions took place and our visiting inspectors commented on the quality and quantity of our writing.  Well done boys and girls.

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STEM in P7 – Marble Run

Primary 7 have been learning about kinetic energy and gravity and have been designing their own marble runs with the hope we can make a marble run for 30 seconds.  As you will see from the attached pictures we have some very creative individuals.  Apparently the sparkles are to slow the marble down but i’m not convinced ! We will let you know our findings.

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What’s on This Week?

This week we welcome HM Inspectors to our wonderful school.  We are confident they will be impressed with our success learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.  Our children are proud of their school and it’s achievements and will be more than happy to share this news and their views with the inspection team as they go around the school this week visiting classes and meeting everyone.

Monday Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott to present to HMI 9.00am. Class visits planned to commence 10.30

Forces talk to Pr. 6 classes lead by pilot Mr. Hardsquare from United Arab Emirates – pm.

Tuesday DAFFODIL TEA – 10.30am. Parents invited.  All donations and proceeds from the raffle will go to Marie Curie.  Marie Curie representative will be present to accept cheque.  This event is lead by our Pr. 7 pupils

Pr. 1 – 3 Easter Bonnet Parade and also sharing of books made during Literacy Week – 11.15am.

Mr. O’Dowd to return to work from paternity leave.

Wednesday End of Term Mass – 10am

EGG DECORATING Competition  – Pr. 4 – 7.  Pupils to work on decorating their egg(s) in the morning.  Judging and results in the afternoon.

Thursday End of Term Good to be Green Treat – School hall will be set up with inflatable assault course as end of term treat. Many thanks to our great PTA who kindly agreed to pay for this treat

School closes at 2.30pm

Friday Good Friday