Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.15 – GENERATION SCIENCE SHOW – DAY AND NIGHT – Rm 1,2 and 3

9.45 – Mrs. Docherty meeting with support staff

ASSEMBLY – 11.30 – Pr. 5 – 7 –Mrs. Docherty. Constable Maxwell to present to pupils – anti-social behaviour

Spiritual reflection – HT Meeting led by the Diocese 11- 12 – Mrs. Docherty to attend

Autism Toolbox for Pr. School 3.30 – 5.30pm – Mrs. Docherty – HOPE

St.Augustine’s Dance troupe – final practice pm

Tuesday Reading Quiz Final – 10.00am. Mrs. Elliott to go with the school team.  Good luck boys and girls.

Miss Cameron – Practitioner Enquiry 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – app training – 2.00pm




PTA MEETING – 7.15pm.

Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 4- 7 – 9.15 – Mrs. Fraser. Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 – Mrs. Elliott. Cricket talk by Rosy Ryan

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott



NL DANCE COMPETITION – Motherwell Concert Hall 7.00pm. School dance troupe taking part.

Thursday Football Festival – St.Ambrose – 10 – 12. Pr. 5,6 and 7 team and girls team.

LOGO EXPRESS – to vist schol am to size Pr.7 pupils for blazer – St.Ambrose.  No purchases made – pupils provided with recommended blazer size.

DKinniburgh (Educ. Psych.) – school visit

Miss Ross – Practitioner Enquiry 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Elliott – to attend Standardised Assessment Training 1- 3pm, Computer Centre

Friday Whole school assembly – 11.30am


Final Rag Bag Collection of the Year

Should you be stuck indoors over the next little while please start to clear out all your old clothes, shoes and bedding as very soon the final rag bags of the year will be issued to children to bring home.  Our last collection before the summer break is on 6th June so watch out for bags coming home.

Thank you in advance for supporting this event.

Eco Committee


Career’s Fair

We are extending an invite to all parents who may be interested in contributing to our Career’s Fair which will take place on Wednesday 16th May from 1.00- 3.00pm.  The purpose of the career’s fair is to develop the young workforce  through an awareness of the wide variety of career options that are available and to develop pupil understanding of the skills required for life, learning and work.   Please contact the school office if you are in a position to be a provider for this great event on the school calendar.

Parent Workshop

Date for the Diary – RespectMe, Scotland’s Anti Bullying Service are offering a Parent Workshop on Online Safety and responding to bullying. This will be in Coatbridge Community Centre on Tuesday 24th April 18:30 – 20:30. Places can be booked via

What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.15 – Pr. 4 – 7 –Mrs. Docherty. Presentation by Lepra.

Greg McHugh (church organist) to make class visits to Pr. 5 – 7 – looking for pupils to form a children’s choir for 10.00am Mass – 11.30am

Management Meeting – pm

HEwart – Kodaly

Tuesday Alison McEwan (SLT) class visit– 9.30am
Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 4- 7 – 9.15 – Mrs.Fraser. Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 – Mrs. Elliott

Seasons for Growth – pm – Mrs. Elliott

Digital free day


Thursday Mrs. Docherty – Nursery visits
Friday Mrs. Docherty – Nursery visits

Committee Meetings – Vikki Sadler to attend Health Committee Meeting


We hope everyone enjoyed a well earned break from school particularly after such a busy end to the school term.  The HMI inspection team were full of compliments during their visit which took place in the final week of the the term and have indicated they will not be making a return visit to the school next session.  They were hugely impressed with the children who were always eager to talk about their learning. This is excellent news and confirms that they have great confidence in the school to maintain it’s ongoing improvement agenda.  We extend a huge thanks to all parents for their continued support of the management team and school staff as we worked to address our improvement priorities.  Our final term will be a busy one as always so please check bags this week for the termly newsletter that will include dates for the term ahead.