Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday Assembly – 9.15 – Pr. 5 – 7 –Mrs.Docherty, Presentation by LEPRA

Speech and Language Therapy  – to carry out Languageland work with group of Pr. 1 pupils


Class observation – Room 1 – Mrs. Elliott – 10.45

Rm 11 and 12 – out all day – PALACERIGG COUNTRY PARK

Generation Science – 1.30pm – Pr. 6 and 7, Good Vibrations

Tuesday Generation Science ,1.30pm– Night and Day – Rm 4 and Pr. 3

Mrs. Docherty – at Child Protection Conference 9 – 1pm

Pr7 – out all day Summerlee

Mr. O’Dowd – out at training session – am. Music, Lights action.

Educational Pyschologist  – school visit

Mrs. Docherty –meeting Kildonan Street – 3.30


Wednesday Junior Cross Country – Pr. 3 and 4 – am

ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3-4 – 9.15 – Mrs. Fraser. Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 –Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Wilson (Careers Officer) – to visit Rm 7 and 8, Careers Talk – a

Miss Ferguson – 1+2 language support – Rm 8 – 11.15 – 12.15

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott

Please note there will be an early lunch to ensure the hall is set up for all providers from 1.00pm onwards.

CAREERS FAIR – 1.30 – 3.00PM.   Pr. 7 to visit first. Doors will also be open to parents.




Thursday Cricket Club – taster sessions – details to follow, 45 mins each class

Induction Day – New entrants 1.45 – 2.45pm Mrs. Elliott. Pr. 1 pupils to visit Charlotte Toal Centre for Magic Show. Pr. 3 and 4 to attend as part of celebrations for receiving the Sacraments.


Friday 9.30 – David Glassford – Fire Prevention to meet Mrs. Docherty

STEM – St.Ambrose – Rm 7 and 8, 1.30 – 3.00pm

Enhanced transition –Miss Simpson– P. 7 group to visit HS

Miss Ruddy – 1 +2 language – 9.15 – 10.20 – Rm 7

Pr. 7 group to attend Mass with DHarper (PFFA)

Possible COMMITTEE MEETINGS – 11.15 – due to reschedule from previous week.


Litter Patrol

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These wonderful ambassadors have taken it upon themselves to reduce the litter in the yard. They patrol at break and lunch and encourage people to put their litter in the bin. They have taken their position very seriously and are a great example to follow. Well done everyone.

Talent Show

Our wonderful children shone this afternoon at the school talent show.  Superb performances from across the school.  We had magic, singing, dancing, gymnastics,  musical instruments and even a flash mob!  Our judging panel had tough decisions to make on winners because everyone who

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took part were superstars. Well done boys and girls for being brave and performing in front of the whole school.


Open Afternoon

Reminder – Our Annual Open Afternoon will take place on Thursday 3rd May.  The doors open at 1.30pm for parents and grandparents to visit classes, observe the learning environment and to see children share their learning.  We hope you can manage to come along for a most entertaining afternoon.

Friendship League Finals

Our very talented school football team represented the school superbly at the finals of the Friendship League at Airdrie Football Stadium. They were amazing !! They played 5 hotly contested games. They drew 1-1 with St Pat’s and St. Timothy’s. Won against Carnbroe 5-3 and Greenhill 8-2. They were narrowly defeated by Kirkshaws 2-3. They came third overall with St Timothy’s winning and St. Pat’s second. Our team were a joy to watch and were outstanding ambassadors of the school.