Category Archives: Whole School

New College Lanarkshire Partnership

Many thanks to New College Lanarkshire who went above and beyond to provide our Pr.7 pupils with amazing learning opportunities last week.  The boys and girls were introduced to a wide variety of labs that focused upon STEM, dental science and  biology.  The children returned full of enthusiasm after an action packed morning.

ks to New Lanark College and all their staff for an amazing visit.

Summer Fair

Our annual Summer Fair was a resounding success due to everyone’s great support.  A huge thank you to our amazing PTA who worked tirelessly to pull everything together to make the day such a success.  An amazing £2200 was raised on the day which really is an outstanding sum of money.  A huge big thank you for all donations and for your suport and generosity on Saturday.  All money raised goes towards providing all children with as many exciting opportunities as possible.

Rag Bag Reminder – Collection 6th June

Our Eco committee recently issued all children with a bag for the Rag Bag Appeal.  We are continuing to raise awareness of textile recycling within our school community.

We are hoping you will all have a clear out and help us collect unwanted wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts which will be exported to Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. We cannot accept uniforms, workwear or household items such as bedding, towels etc.

Any suitable donations, no matter how small should be placed in the bag and be dropped off at the school before 6th June please.

Thank you in advance for supporting this event. Should you require additional bags please contact Mrs Drummond or the office.

What’s on this Week?

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty out of school  at Family Group Meeting – Lawmuir Primary – am

9.30am – Childsmile – fluoride varnish Pr. 1 & 2

CPD EVENT – ALL STAFF – Junior Jog training 3 – 4.

Mrs. Docherty – to attend cluster meeting 4.00pm – St.Ambrose


Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3-4 – 9.15 – Mrs. Fraser. Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 –Mrs. Elliott

Pr. 3 Retreat – Parish Centre – out all day.

YDance – Pr. 6, Rm 16 – 11.15 – 12.15, 5 week dance block to commence

Mrs. Docherty – meeting – 2.00pm

Mrs. Fraser – Measuring HWB -Coatbridge Community Centre 1.30 – 3.30pm

Miss Ferguson (St.Ambrose) – 1+2 language support – Rm 8 – 11.15 – 12.15

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott


Pr. 7 – Parents Curriculum Information Evening – 6.00 – 8.30pm – St.Ambrose

Parent Council Meeting – 6.00pm

PTA Meeting – 7.15pm

Thursday Mrs. Drummond – out all day – STEM Residential

Mrs. Scott/ Mrs. Traynor – to attend online payment training session – am

Pr. 7 – out of school am – New Lanark College

Dalida Kinniburgh – Educational Psychologist –  School visit


Friday Miss Ruddy  (St.Ambrose)– 1+2 Language – Pr.7

First Friday Mass

Mrs. Drummond – out all day – STEM training

Whole School Assembly – 11.30am


Summer Fair preparation – pm – hall -parent helpers greatly appreciated.

Rag Bag Reminder – Collection 6th June

Our Eco committee recently issued all children with a bag for the Rag Bag Appeal.  We are continuing to raise awareness of textile recycling within our school community.

We are hoping you will all have a clear out and help us collect unwanted wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts which will be exported to Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. We cannot accept uniforms, workwear or household items such as bedding, towels etc.

Any suitable donations, no matter how small should be placed in the bag and be dropped off at the school before 6th June please.

Thank you in advance for supporting this event. Should you require additional bags please contact Mrs Drummond or the office.

What’s on This Week?

Monday Assembly – 9.15 – Pr. 5 – 7 –Mrs.Docherty

Rm 3 and 4 – out all day – Summerlee

TREE OF KNOWLEDGE – Who is in the Driving Seat? – Pr. 5 pupils only

11.00 – Speech and Language Therapistvisit –  Languageland with Pr. 1 pupils

Generation Science – Robotic Constructors – Rm 7 and 8 – 9 – 10.30, 11- 12.30

Staff Meeting – 3.00 – 4.00pm

Tuesday TREE OF KNOWLEDGE – Who Needs a Cape? – Pr. 6 only

9.30 – Rainbow Rep – to meet Mrs. Docherty /Mrs. Elliott

1+2 Language Awards 10 – 11.30am – Mrs. Fraser to accompany several puils to Excelsior Stadium for presentation


Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3-4 – 9.15 –Mrs. Docherty. Pr. 1 and 2 10.45 – 11.25 –Mrs. Elliott

Gaelic Qualifiers – Primary Tournament – 9.30 – 12.30 – St.Ambrose

Pr. 4 Retreat – Carfin Grotto – out all day.

Mrs. Fraser –out all day – attending Leadership Coaching event

Miss Ferguson  (St.Ambrose)– 1+2 language support – Rm 8 – 11.15 – 12.15

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Docherty – to attend transition meeting – 2.00pm – St.Mary’s Nursery


Thursday Mrs Docherty – out of school all day –  to attend AGM – ACPHT

Mrs. Fraser – out all day – Leadership Coaching event

Pupil Council Conference – Mrs. O’Donohue and 3 pupils – am

TREE OF KNWLEDGE – Pr. 7 Are we Nearly There Yet?

NEW ENTRANTS – Lunch 11.30am



Generation Science Workshop – P6 & 7

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P6 and 7 were visited by Generation Science yesterday and enjoyed a fun filled highly interactive show. We learned all about how sound is created, the need for a medium for sound waves to pass thorough and we even acted as a sound wave being transmitted through particles to the ear! We discovered that pitch is how high or low a note is and that this depends on the speed of vibrations. Thanks to Generation Science for such an informative fun show!