Category Archives: Whole School

Credit Union Reminder

Quick reminder our Credit Union Collection takes place on Friday around 11.15 am.  Please remember to bring any application forms or deposits into school.  Our P7 children will visit all classes to arrange.  For anyone wishing to join application forms available from Mrs Drummond in Room 8.

Thank you for supporting our P7 children in this activity.

What’s on This Week?

Monday 9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Docherty

Mrs. Scott out of building for census training – am

Taster sessions for Judo all day

Mrs.Ewart – Kodaly Music lssons – Pr. 5 – 11.30

8 St.Ambrose students to join classes (Rms 1 – 4) for 10 week block.

PRD –Mrs.Docherty meeting 2.10pm

Staff Collegiate Night – Nurturing Principles Part 2

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty – Family Group Meeting 9.30am – school to host – Learning Hub

Vince McCluskey to visit – from Inclusion Base – am

Mrs. Elliott – classroom observation Rm 11 – 9.30am

Active Literacy Course – Miss Fern and Mrs. Gillooly– am – classes to be covered by Mrs.McGlone, Mrs.Thomson

Mrs. Drummond to attend Pope Francis Faith Award meeting – Mrs.Thomson to cover

Kerry Scott (visual impairment teacher  to visit Rm 10 – and meet FO’Dowd – 11.00am

Miss Devoy – out pm Induction Guidelines

NETBALL afterschool club

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser, Pr. 1 and 2 (10.45- 11. 25)Mrs. Elliott

Mrs.Docherty meeting 9.00 – 10.00

Management Meeting – 11.30 – 12.30

Mrs. Elliott meeting 2.10pm

Sports Leaders Training – Pr.7’s with Vikki Sadler – lunchtime in Multi-Purpose Room

Thursday School visit by Officers from the authority 9 – 12, possible school tour

Active Literacy Course – Miss Fern and Mrs O’Donohue –classes covered by Mrs.McGlone, Mrs.Thomson

Wilson Photography – class groups and any missed pupils from last week

Mrs. Docherty meeting  – 2.10pm

Mrs. Docherty meeting  3.15pm

Miss Jamieson out pm Induction Guidelines

Mrs. Hanlon to attend Spanish Refresher 3.30 – 5.00 – Kildonan Street

Mrs. O’Donohue to attend meeting at Diocesan Centre as School RE rep 3 – 4pm

Friday First Friday Mass – 10am

Ashleigh Farrell – to begin work experience

SMT t o meet Gabrielle Seaver to discuss development of Spanish and French language programme

Mrs.Docherty meeting 2.30pm

Credit Union Open for Business


Our new recruits started their training for the management of our credit union today and made some posters to advertise this service around the school.

Just a reminder our credit union collection is every Friday if you would like to start some savings. Should you wish to join please ask for an application form from Mrs Drummond in Room 8.

Thank you for supporting the children in the valuable learning experience the running of the credit union offers.