Category Archives: Whole School

Assembly Awards

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Our P4-7 Assembly was an opportunity to discuss our school values and how it is important for us to have self belief in our own abilities and judgements.  We learned how it is important for us to keep going when things get tough.

At our assembly we also recognised those who demonstrated resilience, hard work, the ability to try their best and also those who challenged themselves.  We are so proud of all our award winners.


What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Docherty

Miss Watt– to attend ASD Link Advisor training – 3.30 – 5.30pm

Class Observations – Mrs. Elliott – Rm 1, 11.00, Rm 3, 1.30pm

Class Observation – Mrs. Docherty Rm 2, 11.00, Rm 4 1.30pm

St.Ambrose students to join classes (Rms 1 – 4) school experience

Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly – Pr. 5

SACRAMENTAL MEETINGS – Parents and pupils

-Pr.3 – 6.30pm – Church

– Pr. 4 – 7.30pm – Church

Tuesday Class Obs. Mrs. Elliott – Rm 7 – 9.15, Rm 12 – 11.40

Class Obs. Mrs. Docherty – Rm 8 – 9.15, Rm 9 -11.15, Rm 10 – 1.30pm

School visit by Speech and Language Therapist

ASSEMBLY Pr. 1 – 2 – 10.45 – 11.25 Mrs. Elliott

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs.Fraser

Pr.6 /Rm 16 – Animation Project – Summerlee 10 – 12

Miss Watt – out all day – Rights Respecting School Award training session

Celtic Coaching session – pm – Rm 15

CDocherty /MMElliott – out all day – Scottish Learning Festival.

Sports Leaders Training – lunchtime

Thursday Mrs. McGlone to cover Rm 8 – am

WHOLE SCHOOL SPONSORED WALK – please come a join us.

Pr. 1 – 3 – am

Pr. 4 – 7 pm

Pr. 6/Rm 16 – Vikki Robb – introduction to mining in Coatbridge – part of animation project


JRSO Road Safety Awareness Day

Two of our JRSO members represented St Augustine’s at a Road Safety Awareness day held on the 11th September.   Not only was the day very informative, with a variety of tasks to participate in but our very own pupils won the competition, bringing back to the school a bag full of goodies!  Mrs Shields said both member were great ambassadors!

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Credit Union Reminder

Quick reminder our Credit Union Collection takes place on Friday around 11.15 am.  Please remember to bring any application forms or deposits into school.  Our P7 children will visit all classes to arrange.  For anyone wishing to join application forms available from Mrs Drummond in Room 8.

Thank you for supporting our P7 children in this activity.

What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Docherty

Miss Watt out all day –ASD Link Advisor training day –

Elinor Steel – to meet Mrs. Docherty, Mr.O’Dowd to discuss Rights Respecting School Award – 10.30- 11.00

Mrs. Docherty to meet Chloe Grant School Finance Assistant – 1.30pm

Mrs. Docherty to meet Ann Donaldson 3.00pm to discuss Malawi Project

St.Ambrose students to join classes (Rms 1 – 4) for 10 week block.

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – app training with Robin Taylor 10.00am

Vince McCluskey to visit – Inclusion Base – am

Mrs. Shields to attend JRSO conference with 2 pupils – am

Miss Devoy – out all day –Probationer Core Programme

Football Friendship League – Mrs. Fraser to escort team – 3.00pm – St.Ambrose H.S.

MEET THE TEACHER EVENING – 6.00 – 7.30pm.  Parents and pupils to gather in main hall for introductions and information about School Improvement Plans

Wednesday Adele Flynn to visit Mrs. Docherty – adaptations 9.30am

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser, Pr. 1 and 2 (10.45- 11. 25) Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Elder – out all day – Tapestry Partnership Programme

Miss Ross out all day – Aspiring Leaders Programme

Mrs. Elliott – Seasons for Growth 2.00pm

Mrs. Docherty to meet Parent 2.30pm

Sports Leaders Training – lunchtime

Thursday Mrs. Docherty attending CHAPS (Catholic Primary Head Teachers)  conference – out all day

Wilson Photography – class groups, missed pupils for individual pictures

Lisa Sneddon to visit Rm 16 to begin Monklands Heritage Project – 2 hrs

Miss Jamieson – out all day – Probationer Core Programme

Catriona Carr – Bi-Lingual support teacher to visit 1.20

Friday Mrs. Docherty attending CHAPS conference – out all day

9.15 – Tutor visit by Strathclyde University Rm 16 – Gillian Hosie

Ashleigh Farrell work experience