Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

This week in school is Financial Education with lessons and workshops taking  place across the school to teach children about money management.  We are delighted that we have some visitors coming to the school to deliver highly informative workshops to classes.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty – Pr. 5 – 7

10.15 – Mrs.Dochery – parent meeting

Mrs.Docherty – class observation Rm 1 – 11.00am

Mrs. Elliott – class observation Rm 2 – 1.20pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend HT Coaching session 2.30 – 4.30pm

Multi – Sports Afterschool Club Pr. 3 – 4

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Meeting – am

,rs. Docherty classroom observation Rm 3 , Rm 4 Mrs. Elliott – 1.30pm

Money Advice Scotland – workshops to take place across school

Miss Devoy – on-service training –  1.30 – 4.00


Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Mrs. Elliott – Pr. 1 and 2 (10.45 – 11.25), Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

9.15 – St.Ambrose Transition Visit No. 2

Mrs. Docherty to attend SEEMIS training – Caldervale 9 – 12.30 – Progress, Achievement and Reporting

Class Observations – Mrs. Elliott – Rm 8 – 11.45, Mrs. Docherty Rm 7 -1.30pm

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott – pm



PARENT COUNCIL MEETING – Parish Centre – 6.00pm

PTA MEETING – Parish Centre -7.15pm. All Welcome

Thursday Class observations throughout the day, Rm 9,10, 12,13,15 and 16 – Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott


Dalida Kinniburgh (Educ. Psychologist) – school visit – am –

HMRC visit – Pr. 4

Enterprise is the Business – Pr.6 – hall all day – apologies for interruption to PE timetable

Gaelic football training – Pr. 6 – am – dress for outside play- weather permitting

Cricket coaching – pm – Pr. 7and Pr. 6/7 – dress for outside play – weather permitting

Mrs. Docherty to attend ACPHT Meeting – 1.45pm – Motherwell Diocese

Miss Jamieson – in-service training – 1.30 – 4.00pm


Friday Mrs. Drummond – out all day SSERC (STEM) Training event – Mrs. Fraser to cover

Mrs. Docherty to attend SSERC training event – 1.15pm – Dunfermline

First Friday Mass

SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS FINAL – Miss Watt to attend – 10.30 – 2.30 – Ravenscraig


What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty – Pr. 5 – 7

10.45 – Mrs.Elliott – Pr.1- 2

Mrs. Docherty – Parent Meeting – 10.15am

Multi – Sports Afterschool Club Pr. 3 – 4

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott to attend Literacy Coach Training 9.15 – 12.15

Miss Devoy – in-service training – Planning a Classroom based practitioner enquiry

Mrs. Docherty – meeting with Father Kane – 2.00pm


Wednesday ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – MFraser

SCHOOL VISIT – Visit by NLC Continuous Improvement Officer’s Jan McCrone, Alison Humphries – Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Elliott – am

Seasons for Growth – Mrs. Elliott – pm (First session with new cohort)

Mrs. Llaza/Miss Cameron – to attend training session – Supporting bi-lingual pupils – 3.30 – 5.30pm


Thursday Gymnastic Competition Airdrie Academy – 9.30 – 12.30 – Mrs.Thomson  to attend

Gaelic football training – Pr. 6 – am

Cricket coaching – pm – Pr. 7 and Pr. 6/7 – no access to hall  children to dress for weather and anticipate a cancellation depending upon weather.

Miss Jamieson – in-service training – Planning a Classroom based practitioner enquiry

BURNS SUPPER – 1.30pm – Rm 7 and 8,  parents and grandparents invited for Haggis, Neeps and Tatties

Mrs. Docherty to attend training session – Inclusion and Resource Applications – 5 – 6pm

Friday Pr. 1 – Health Assessments – 9.00am

Mrs. Drummond – Numeracy Coach Meeting – with Family Group – St.Pat’s 9.30 – 12.00 – Mrs. Fraser to cover

Mrs. Docherty to attend MALAWI Meeting – Kildonan Street – 1.30pm


Infant Registrations

It was a wonderful week in school this week as we welcomed lots of new children and new families to our school community.  I  will be making arrangements to visit all the nurseries that the children attend to support the transition process.  Induction dates are Thurs. 9th, 16th and 23rd May.  If you know of anyone who missed the registration please tell them to contact the school.

What’s on this Week?

Monday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty – Pr. 5 – 7

Netball League commences 10 – 12 . Sir Matt Busby Centre, Mrs. Elliott’s team

Multi – Sports Afterschool Club Pr. 3 – 4


Tuesday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs. Elliott

School visit by Visual Impairment Teacher – 11.00am

Pr.1 and 2 Assembly –Mrs. Elliott – 10.45am

Engineer – Site Visit – Proposed Nursery 1.30pm

Netball Afterschool Club

Wednesday ASSEMBLY, Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

Mrs. Elliott to attend day 2of LIAM (Low intensity Anxiety Management) training

Mrs. Docherty to attend Locality Head Teacher Meeting – all day

Assessment and Moderation training – Miss Ross 3.30 – 5.30pm

Thursday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Joe Bradley to resume Gaelic football training – Pr. 6 – am

Mrs. Docherty – meeting Vikki Sadler – 10.00am

Cricket coaching – pm – Pr. 5 and Pr. 5/6

Mrs. O’Donohue to attend RE co-ordinators meeting- St.Bride’s Hall 3 – 4pm. Mrs. Docherty to cover 2.30pm

Mrs. Elder to attend practitioner enquiry training – 1.30 -3.30. Mrs. Fraser to cover

Nurture Reconnector Session – MMElliott – Coatbridge Community Centre – 2 – 4pm

Friday INFANT REGISTRATIONS  – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

COMMITTEE MEETINGS, Vikki Sadler to attend Health Committee meeting


Infant Registration

Registration for infant beginners for Session 2019/2020 will take place week commencing Monday 14th January to Friday 18th January. Please contact the school office in person or by telephone on 01236 632090 to make an appointment to register your child. Your child’s birth certificate, Baptismal certificate (if possible), and proof of address (in the form of your council tax bill) must be produced at the time of registration. The school would like you to assist by bringing this notice to the attention of family members, neighbours and friends who have children of school age due to start school.

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!!

Happy New Year and welcome back to everyone.  We hope you enjoyed a lovely break with family and friends and feel well rested for the year ahead.  Please check your child’s school bag this week for the newsletter for this term.  There are lots of dates to mark on your new 2019 calendar.

Here is a run down of what is happening this week in school.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty – Pr. 5 – 7
Tuesday Mrs. Docherty –meeting with parent  – 9.15am

Engineer site visit  (proposed nursery plans)– 1.30pm

Pedagogy Practitioner Training Mrs. Elder – 3.30 – 5.30pm

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1 – 2 (10.45 – 11.25) Mrs. Elliott, Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

Mrs. Elder – out of school all day – Practitioner Enquiry Training – Mrs. McGlone to cover

Room 15 – out of school all day Clyde in the Classroom, Glasgow Science Centre. Pick up 9.40am sharing bus with St.Timothy’s

Thursday Kerstin McKim – Community Engagement – to see Mrs. Docherty 9.15am

Denise Gough –Occupational Therapy school visit

Billy McPake (cricket coach) to meet Mrs. Docherty – pm

Educational Psychologist Mrs.Kinniburgh, school visit to meet Mrs.Docherty 1.30pm

Friday First Friday Mass – 10.00am

Mrs. Docherty to attend Head of Establishment Meeting – all day