Category Archives: Whole School

Daffodil Tea and Easter Bonnet Parade Thanks

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Primary 7 would like to say a huge thanks to the school community who supported our Daffodil Tea this morning in aid of Marie Curie. We have raised £528! wow! Weare extremely grateful for your support.

Thank you to all our parents and carers who attended our P1-3 Easter Bonnet parade. Clearly we have some superb creative talent in our midst! Well done boys and girls you all looked amazing.  We hope you all enjoyed the songs we have been practising hard to learn.

Have a wonderful Easter holiday everyone.

Morning Mass

 A reminder that morning Mass takes place at  8.00am each morning during Lent.  Father Kane has requested that in our final week before the Spring Break it would be great to see more school pupils at this early morning service.  Breakfast is available in the school hall afterwards.


Calling on all families, please  support the next fundraising event organised by our great PTA.  Without their fantastic support we would not be in a position to provide the wide array of opportunities that children take part in each year.  Please keep the date free and bring your family along  for a fun evening

FRIDAY 26th April 7.30- 11.00pm.  Venue – School Hall


What’s on this Week?

This week we have parent information evenings that will give all parents an opportunity to review and discuss with your child’s teacher their progress, application to learning and contribution to the life of the class and school.  Please be aware that appointments are 7 minutes in duration and if more time is required another appointment time can be arranged afterwards.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty

Mini Sportshall Athletics – Pr. 3. Early Lunch 11.30am. Time Capsule 12.30 – 2.30

Pr. 7 pupils to assist with sportshall athletics

Pr. 4 Confessions – pm

Mrs. Elliott – to attend Literacy Coach Meeting 1..30 – 4.00pm

Parent and Child Afterschool Club – Vikki Sadler – 3.00pm

Mrs.Docherty – to attend meeting with Father Kane – Parish House 2.50pm

Mrs.Docherty to attend meeting 4.30pm

Mrs.Fraser – Healthy Schools Planning Event – Coatbridge HS – 3.30pm – 5.30pm

Tuesday Stuart Reid – author visit – Pr. 1 – 3 before break, Pr.4 – 7 after break

Mrs. Docherty to attend Share, Learn, Collaborate Showcase – South Lanarkshire – am

Pr.5 Confessions – pm

Friendship League – Mrs. Fraser to attend

PARENTS EVENING – Pre-booked appointments

Wednesday Mrs. Docherty – West Partnership Conference – all day – Celtic Park – event replaces Head of Establishment Meeting

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1 and 2 (10.45 – 11.25) Mrs. Elliott, Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

Resilience Toolkit – refresh – Mrs. Fraser 3.30 – 4.30pm

Mrs. Elliott – LIAM training – 3.10pm

Thursday 8.45 – Mrs. Docherty to attend Empowering Clusters Meeting – St.Barts – cluster meeting

Mrs.Elliott – out of school to atend meeting – am

Pr.6 Confessions

Mrs. Elder – Practitioner Enquiry Training- 1.30 – 3.30pm


Friday 11.30am – Whole School – End of Term Assembly – awards for Feb. and March/ attendance awards/pupil achievements. Updates and news from Committees.

Mrs. Docherty to attend NIF STEM group meeting – Cumbernauld Academy – 1.00pm

Pr. 4 – Romans workshop – Rm 12 –am, Rm 9 from 10.45.

Pr.7 Confessions

Pr.7 profiles to be completed for submitting to HS

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting

Entries due to be submitted for Tesco Competition